Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Praising People...!!!(Quotes 9)

ان الناس يمدحونك لما يظنونه فيك...فكن أنت ذاما لنفسك لما تستيقنه منها...!!ا
أجهل الناس من ترك يقين نفسه لظن ما عند الناس....!!ا

ابن عطاء الله السكندرى

i read this quote about 2 years ago,...& i liked it so much ...!!!
since i was a kid up till now i get sooo embarrassed when sb praises me :S & i just say nothing :$,....even if i know they r saying sth true,...i just think that it's not that big,..i'm just a normal person with many many defects,..mayb coz i fear arrogance,..& mayb coz i know that whatever happens ppl can't really judge a person as they just c a little from his real personality.....!!!!

coz after all the best one 2 know each & every detail ,advantage or defect about a person is HIMSELF.....!!!!


BaBaNesmA said...

من رحمة ربنا علينا إنه بيستر علينا و على عيوبنا ، فمبيخليش حد يشوفها غيرنا

قولى الحمد لله إنك عارفة عيوبك ، في ناس كتير مش عارفة عيوبها

Anonymous said...

ah el qoute de gamda awy asl ana sa3at eh b2a el nas to23od to2ol 3lya kalam keda kois we howa momken mayb2ash fya we b23od ana a3esh el wahm we heisa y3ny bs lazem dayman el wa7ed yef2 bein el kalam we ye3rf fe3lan emto el7a2e2eya 3shan mayetghresh fe nafso we el moshkela lama yet3amel b2a m3a nafso aw m3a el nas 3ala asas el kedba de teb2a moshkela