Sunday, January 07, 2007


"Believe....Believe"....the kid says closing his eyes ,... focusing 2 c what his companions c & hear what they hear in their journey 2 the north pole on new year Eve.....2 c Santa & hear the bells ringing ...!!!
& suddenly the power of belief works , he can c Santa & hear the bells rigning....!!
now his doubts vanished...Santa is there..!!!
he is the 1st kid 2 get the 1st gift from Santa ,...a bell ,..but not an ordinary 1 ,'s from Santa's car ..... he can hear it's ring !!!
growing up ,..leaving childhood away,...loosing belief in Santa,... ppl can no more hear the sound of the bell,...but he still can coz he still believes...!!!!


that was a "Polar Express" .....unfortunately i didn't watch it from the begining,...but the point is not Santa,..not the journey not the story itself,'s the idea : "The power of belief"
how it can change the way a person thinks,...change his whole life ,....& how its effect lasts as long as it is there; deep inside the person....!!!

i saw the film,..or as i said not the wole film.., on 25/1 . but after that more than once i c sth & the word pop up 2 my mind ..."BELIEVE"....!!

2day i saw sb representing the power of belief ,...a homeless turned into a multimillionaire coz he worked but he also believed...& it wasn't just him who believed ,..his mother supported the power of belief inside him despite their awful life!!
it's Christopher Gardner
whose story was turned into a film taken from his book: "The pursuit of happyness"....!!


i'm not gonna talk about the story coz again it's not the point itself , just made me think again about the power of belief issue,...& ask some Q's concerning this concept...!!!

i asked myself , it true?!!,...can belief make difference in our lives?!!!

& is it the same in all cultures ,..societies,...& countries?!!

i mean if it worked their in a country,...built basically on a dream inside its ppl ,...will it work in a country whose ppl r disappointed & dreamless?!!!

if it worked in a rich,..strong , & democratic country,..will it work in a country lacks all that?!!!

if it worked in a culture that makes books & films 2 put that value inside each citezen starting from childhood ,...will it work in a culture in which films r trivial,..valueless or more disappointing...?!!

if it worked with ppl understanding the value of time & work ,..ppl who live in a society full of successful examples coz it supports success & accepts failure ,...will it work with ppl spending most of their times wandering aimlessly in streets or on cafés,..ppl who live in a society that kills success & lacks inspiration ?!!!

many many Q's i keep thinking of....!!!!!

& the end i also ask :

is dreaming without limits a right 4 each person on the earth?? & does the power of belief work with everybody?!!!
or there r so many restrictions?!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gety 3la elgar7
many Qs that need answers but as we don't see any role model in our countries so we don't believe

if it worked in a culture that makes books & films 2 put that value inside each citezen starting from childhood ,...will it work in a culture in which films r trivial,..valueless or more disappointing...?!!

de ba2a 7aga kont bafakar feha men youmeen bema enny mesh batfarag 3lay aflam 3araby ela belsodfa we 5adt gor3a 3alia men elaflam elagnaby fel 3eed,
i found that they found very sipmle idea to make a film or ideas that teach ppl a value
and at the same time we make very silly films that only give the value of dancing and singing

one of the films i watched was ( my life ) it was a bout a man who has a cancer and about to die and his wife is pregnant and he wanted to make a film for his coming child o tell him about his life to know his father
it was a touching film but they took a simple idea to make a film

at the same time ( puruit of happyness ) how a man became a multimillionare and he was nothing

yalla kefa keda 3'am