Friday, November 28, 2008


I say: "A human being is nth but an accumulation of memories & experience."

both are gifts; no matter how good or bad, matter how happy or sad..they remain the core of the person.BUT the good memories are the ultimate gift...!!

last year i met 10 ppl who gave me this gift like no1 did b4,...those r my amazing "IT & Media' 08" Team...!

Guys,..i owe u tons of tremendous memories,... i can catch myself smiling at remembering great moments we've LIVED together ,..yeah LIVED ,...i dnt say "spent" or "worked" ,..coz we really lived together for almost 8 months (31July'07-22March'08),...8 months that seemed years,..we had those days when we spent around 12 hours together,....we had those weeks when we met everyday,...we had those months of continuous trainings & work,..we had all those wonderful moments which i will never forget...NEVER!!

i know months passed & it's over....but believe it or not,.. I MISS u all like hell...!!u r the best team ever,..u r the best group of ppl i've worked with,...u r 10 unique,..mmm... teammates,..friends,..brothers & sisters,...dunno what should i call u ,..coz we all had this special relationship that gathered us all the time & built special bonds between totally different 10 personalities!

i believe that i wont have a better team,...i know we went through evth a team can go through,...we had ups & downs ,..we had those tough moments,.but as a whole i can say it's the best experience i have ever gone through,..we were the best team ever,..& even ppl out of the team witnessed that & say it till now ..."You R The Best"...!!

Guys,..i know we still c each others,...but even if i dnt c u physically ,...i can c u in evth around....!!!

i can feel u in every corner we passed by in the faculty,..i can feel u when i pass in midan Salah El Deen,..i can feel u in Nabil el wa2ad,...i can feel u in Crunchy or Boreo Jumbo,..i can feel u when i work on my laptop,..i can feel u when i c my old RAM's,..i can feel u in salé sucré,..i can feel u with Andrew Cramer,...i can feel u in PS,Flash,DW,AE,ZEND,..i can feel u in my flashmemory,..i can feel u in kaspersky, can feel u in Carlos Santana,...i can feel u in any chroma,..i can feel u in my digital camera,...i can FEEL & SEE u EVWHERE...!

yeah i feel u evwhere, but i also have those times when i feel this bitter feeling of missing each and every moment we have lived together,...i miss the trainings,..i miss the sweet pain we felt while working for hours,...i miss the brainstorming,...the shooting,..the editing,...the rendering,...i miss the sleepless nights,...i miss our victory moments when ev1 said "IT...u ROCK",..& we said "Al7amdulelah"...!!!

SIMPLY i miss evth,ev1,ev.moment..!!!

i know that many ppl had those feelings for some days after the closing,..they suffer from the "Post Conference Depression ..PCD" for few days ,...but guess what?...i had a "Pre Conference Depression" symptoms,..when i used to look at evth & ev1 & felt bad for imagining that evth was gonna end in few days,...& surely i had a deep "Post Conference Depression",..with severe withdrawal symptoms for long time,....& surprisingly for the 1st time i shed tears for leaving a group of ppl with whom i worked & lived...!!

& the unbelievable thing is that i still have sth inside longing for those days,.. those thoughts become stronger in some moments that i find myself having all the possible expressions on my face as if i'm re-living those moments.

OMG,..i'm digging so deep in memories ,..& guess what? brings me this feeling of the bitter-sweet longing for the past,..the sweetness for passing through all that,..& the bitterness for not having those real moments anymore...!!

it may seem weird- for some1 not so emotional & expressive like me-to write this now,..but for me it's not,..coz i always recall those memories whenever i feel bad, that i cheer up & smile :)

Guys,i know months & years will pass,...ev1 will go in his way & have his life,..we may c each others & we may not,....but i'm sure the memories wont fade,... i'll c u in evth around,.. i'll always remember u & long for the great moments we lived together,...!!

Gasser,Yasmine,SaraH,Amal,OmEr,Ismail,Negm,Abdu,Tarek,Zizo;I owe u all those tremendous memories :)Thank u for every single moment we lived together :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Life Spectrum..!

being in contact with different ppl having different mentalities makes me always think , analyze & sometimes come up with theories & analogies between ppl & anyth in life...!

this time i had a little convo. with some1 who almost has 1 priority in his life ,..or mayb i should not call it priority coz one prioritizes when one has multiple things to be managed, this person's life is almost dedicated to 1 thing,...he may not have the time to sleep or eat ,...he believes that anyth other than his main goal is useless,...& actually he succeeds to outstand in that one thing....!!!

i'm not gonna judge & say this is good or bad coz after all one's life is one's choice ,...i'm just gonna put emperical models for ppl's approaches in life to show my point of view...& excuse me if i get into here we go...!

i call today's theory :"Life spectrum" it deals with the distribution of all the human activities across his life...& i'm gonna examples for clarification...!

1st of all
the x-axis be the different human activities (career,family,entertainment,spirtiuality,charity...etc.)
the y-axis be the weight of each activity,..or the power given to each...!!

& here are 2 examples:

the type whose life is almost about one thing- like the example i mentioned at the begining-

this type's life spectrum can be modeled by a delta function located @ one point (i.e:one activity),...with maximum amplitued,..while the amplitudes @ the other points are zero ,..or let's say TEND to zero to -b more precise-!!

the type whose life is multidimensional ,..those who make different things in life with different weights according to their priorities , they outstand in one thing & @ the same time have other small accomplishments in other fields..!

this type's life spectrum can be modeled by a Gaussian distributed function ,which has a maximum amplitude @ one point (which corresponds to the thing in which the person outstands & puts much efforts ) ,...& has other significant values around the maximum...!!

those r 2 models of life spectra to make my theory clearer,..& surely each one has his own unique model which is formulated by his thoughts & actions.

i believe there's no optimum model for life spectra,...but my personal opinion is that:
the Gaussian(or Normal) distributed spectrum is the closest one to the normal life balance -as its name reveals-coz it increases the person's exposure to different things ,..& gives life new dimenssions.
while the delta spectrum -in my point of view-is a disguised triviality coz the person of this type-even if his delta amplitude is incredibly large- leads a one dimensional life since he mainly believes in one thing ,...does one thing,..& know sone thing...!!

this was the "Life Spectrum" theory,..& this was my personal opinion...!
& now u can think about ur life spectrum & adjust it the way u want coz it's all about ur choice..!!