Friday, July 25, 2008

Confusion Point...!

"if preparatory was pointless & 1st electrical was a turning point,....let 2nd electrical be the Deception Point......!!!"

so what about the 4th year ?
let me call it "The Confusion Point"...!
it was one of the worst years -if not the worst -since KG........or let me say that's how i saw it from my narrow human point of view ,....coz we alwayes-as humans-dont c the hidden gifts from Allah in the pain & most probably we realize them too late ,......!!

i know that but i have to admit sometimes i forget or get so overwhelmed by pain & despair that i cant avoid or get'm out of mind....!

i'm not gonna go deeply in the issue coz i guess it's clear from it's name it's confusing, was hazy & no1 will get it coz i tried alot to analyse it .....but i believe ev1 has a time when he goes through a vague problem & just feel bad....!

so after all it finished ,...& i'm waiting the result as usual...but this year my waiting & my prayer is different coz evyear i prayed to get high grades & asked allah alot ,...but this year i just pray to have the gift of SATISFACTION ,...i really need it badly & no one excpet allah can give it me ,....this is my only hope to ACCEPT any result & i mean it ANY result in peace & never feel bad about it ,...that's all what i beg for....!

i'm anxious about my reaction towards the result more than the result itself ,....i really really really need Allah's help to get over it regardless of how bad or good it is,....!!

so i ask no1 but Allah to give me satisfaction,strength & patience now & all the time...coz if i lose them i'll lose evth....!!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A One-Question Test..!

who is/r ur best friend/s?*

if u take seconds thinking b4 mentioning their names....
if u r not able to name them immediately....
if u r not saying their names confidently......

u don't really have one/s....!!!!!!

*(the accurecy of this test depends on ur definition of "best friend")

Saturday, July 05, 2008


What’s meant by ‘problem’ or ‘crisis’?! …is it sth absolute?...can we define it exactly ?!...& can ev1 judge it on the same basis?!

I was thinking about the concept of problems & crises ,…how ppl feel ,judge & deal with them,…..& why they act differently towards them …!!!

I found out that it’s simply what bothers & irritates the person regardless of its size or how others think about it coz I believe it’s sth relative , a problem is called a problem only by the one who feels it !!

But the remarkable point that ppl insist on judging each other & they tend to underestimate others’ problems which is too bad...!!

I remember I was talking with my 8-year-old cousin about school ,… I found out that he is bothered by the sports class coz they just play football & he doesn’t like it ,but there’s no other choice ,…he also hates the attitude of the kids in playing as they always curse eachother & say 'bad words' –he said I"I wont mention’m"-

Mayb it seems a trivial thing,..but personally I felt this should b taken seriously,…if he’s a little kid it doesn’t mean that every feeling,word or problem is also little ,…coz after all it sth irritable.

Another situation I remember when I was talking with a friend who used to teach illiterate to read & she said how come they take all that time to learn a lettter & how it seems impossible to teach them certain letters….& I just told her think about a 50-year-old KG student who is working ,raising children or grandchildren & immersed in life problems ,…dnt look from ur prespective ,….it may b a kind of torture for them.,……!!

When I rethought about this issue I felt that underestimating others’ problems is the default between ppl,…teenagers & kids,….youth & teenagers,….old & youth ,…highly educated & illliterate ….etc…..although each one was probably on the other side one day ,….but either he forgets his previous problems or just pretend he had no similar ones,….so he feels better by stressing that his problems r the worst nightmares while others’ r just a kind of exaggeration .

In coclusion; a problem is a relative personal non-judgeable issue…!!