Saturday, July 05, 2008


What’s meant by ‘problem’ or ‘crisis’?! …is it sth absolute?...can we define it exactly ?!...& can ev1 judge it on the same basis?!

I was thinking about the concept of problems & crises ,…how ppl feel ,judge & deal with them,…..& why they act differently towards them …!!!

I found out that it’s simply what bothers & irritates the person regardless of its size or how others think about it coz I believe it’s sth relative , a problem is called a problem only by the one who feels it !!

But the remarkable point that ppl insist on judging each other & they tend to underestimate others’ problems which is too bad...!!

I remember I was talking with my 8-year-old cousin about school ,… I found out that he is bothered by the sports class coz they just play football & he doesn’t like it ,but there’s no other choice ,…he also hates the attitude of the kids in playing as they always curse eachother & say 'bad words' –he said I"I wont mention’m"-

Mayb it seems a trivial thing,..but personally I felt this should b taken seriously,…if he’s a little kid it doesn’t mean that every feeling,word or problem is also little ,…coz after all it sth irritable.

Another situation I remember when I was talking with a friend who used to teach illiterate to read & she said how come they take all that time to learn a lettter & how it seems impossible to teach them certain letters….& I just told her think about a 50-year-old KG student who is working ,raising children or grandchildren & immersed in life problems ,…dnt look from ur prespective ,….it may b a kind of torture for them.,……!!

When I rethought about this issue I felt that underestimating others’ problems is the default between ppl,…teenagers & kids,….youth & teenagers,….old & youth ,…highly educated & illliterate ….etc…..although each one was probably on the other side one day ,….but either he forgets his previous problems or just pretend he had no similar ones,….so he feels better by stressing that his problems r the worst nightmares while others’ r just a kind of exaggeration .

In coclusion; a problem is a relative personal non-judgeable issue…!!


Anonymous said...

great post (Y)
a3taqed kaman enn elly beykabbar el moshkela aktar -belnesba le sa7eb el moshkela - enno ye7ess en el a7'areen msh 7aseen be en howa fe3lan fy moshkela
aw el estehana beeh we be moshkelto mahma kanet tafha
a3taqed kaman en el mawdoo3 dah mn el asbab el ra2eseya le el fagwa el da7'ma ben el abna2 we ahlohom
we el fagwa dy betekbar ma3 moror el wa2t ma3 koll moshkela gedeeda

btw : great entry

i started reading ur blog about 3 weeks ago
it's very interesting & respectful
keep on


Ummah said...


actually heya moshkela 3amma,..not just between generations,...but also ben kol categories mo7'talefa fel sen,el ta3lim,el sakafa,...etc.

thx again for passin by
& sorry for the late reply,...i've been so busy ,....!
lel asaf da mesh el 3asr el zahaby for my blog :D
