Sunday, March 18, 2007

No Pain...No Brain...!!

yeah...i know it's not the original phrase "No Pain...No Gain".....but i passed by that one a couple of days ago & i felt it...."No Pain ...No Brain...!!"...!!

coz when i look around me i feel that idiot,..trivial,..insane ppl suffer less that thinking balanced the more the person thinks the more he gets stressed,...frustrated,..anxious or even depressed....!!

mayb the person sometimes doesn't give his brain the chance to have a rest,....but i wonder if that can happen in the 1st place coz brain isn't just a device with an ON/OFF button to turn it on or off whenever we want....!!!!

OMG ,..i feel @ this moment as if i need that button badly to give my brain a break b4 getting crazy,...I AM already getting crazy....!!!

dunno,...mayb it's the price the person pays for a working brain...................mental PAIN!!!


Unknown said...

The brain don't work at full functionality. I wonder if it did how will you fell.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so i think the phrase should be

" no brain pain "

as pain is the result of using brain

Ummah said...

irc president;
yeah i wonder what would have happened...!!!^o)


it works both ways ,..."no pain brain" no pain means there's no brain ,...or the other way around as u said :D

not a big deal ya benty...!!:D