Sunday, May 13, 2007


last friday we were walking in city stars ,..i stood for moments having a look on a café & as usual i had a thought concerning cafés....!!!

i wondered of the number of cafés increasing day after day ,...then
i told my father : i guess that those workers should have been chosen on certain criteria & got trained to perform like that ...!!!
so he said :surely coz i observed them & u know they r not providing a service of "ahawy" ,...they r serving in another way,.... so surely 10 or 20 of those were chosen from 500 or so.......!!!
u know ,..surely most of them r highly educated with good skills & languages ,....but unfortunately they just cost the country alot in all the phases of education ,....!!!!
after all it can be a good job for a graduate as a part time job,....youth in other countries have this kind of part time jobs,....!!!
then i said 2 my sister jokingly: u know ,...surely they earn much more than a graduate doctor :D.....!!!

here ends the conversation,....but still the point is that ppl here r so attached to high education & certificates (balad shahadat) even if they r not gonna use it later,....i'm not saying that high education is not important,...but still in any country u can find different levels of educations & various kinds professions ,....but the most important point that each & every person is respected as long as he is an effective member in the society ,..regardless of his "certificate"....!!!!

mayb the problem here is about 2 main points;

1st: the unavailability of differentiated education systems with an acceptable quality to gain ppl trust,....!!!
2nd: the mentality which refuses other types of education ( even if it exists with acceptable quality) ,...seeking prestigious certificates & titles ,....even if they add nth to the person & society....!!!!

so if the previous 2 points can be changed ,....things can go better some how....!!!!


sth aside:
weeks ago ,..i had to make a research concerning unemployment & job market in egypt,...& during the presentation ,. i said -as evbody did- that high unemployment rates can cause problems such as so & so,.then i said ,..but let's look to the filled half of the cup ,..... unemployment has a good effect on one kind of investments, makes cafés number increase more & more,... & they make more investments for the sake of unemployed youth spending their time there coz they have nth 2 do....!!!

1 comment:

miko said...

concerning cafes :D

i think it's only ...... the natural development for the beverage < el tator el tabi3i lel 7aga el sa23a ;; >

ask me why ...

cuz when u just look where we r goin - i mean youth - u will find a blind leadin to follow da west WTV it was + as u said the unemplo.. :S

investors must be always smarter :D they shd see where ppl r goin to n go first n give 'em what they need ;; ...... kinda like cybers centrals, mobile service shops n all this stuff :D

n if wanna start a business i think we shd do the same ...... piece of cake ;;