Thursday, November 09, 2006

Life has no model answer...!

when kids r raised up ,..they always listen 2 stories or watch cartoons that indeirectly create their personality & give them principles to follow in their lifes.
the stories always have almost similar ideas,....the wicked witch is defeated,...the evil r destroyed,...or @ least know they r wrong,....the good succeed 2 reach what they wish,...etc.
then the kids grow older they begin 2 hear that lying, ...cheating,...bribery,..stealing,..etc. r illegal & not ethical things,...& they begin 2 believe that if a person cheats ,he won't succeed ,..& if he steals he'll go 2 jail,...& so on...!!
& after that when they live the real life ,..& deal with other ppl,..they get shocked they find out that it doesn't work that way ,...the cheater succeed!! ,..the thief gets richer!!,..briefly the wicked witch wins....!!!

& that represents the 1st shock 4 any idealist child raised up that way.....& make'm puzzled with the contradiction in the theory & the application in real life & that may make 'm also doubt those principles!!!

but the problem isn't that those principles r wrong or theoritical,...the point that life has no model answer!!!,....we cant say that being a bad person gurantees ur failure in life ,..on the other hand being a good one doesn't gurantee that everything will go the right way with u....!!!

so i guess it's nt completely right 2 convince the a person with those model answers,....the pesron should believe it himself deep inside that following his principles isn't related 2 the results in LIFE,....coz it's nt the real result which he gets in LIFE,'s just a part, he should put in mind that it's just 4 Allah b4 anything & coz ethics r ethics after all & he must forget about the defeat of the wicked witch,...coz it's a model answer,...& LIFE HAS NO MODEL ANSWER...!!


Ahmed Adel said...

wanna say somthing

life means "el donya"

"el donya" means "el 7aqeera" or so

then do u want a "7aqeera" 2've a model answer :D !

I doubt :D


yoyo_houda said...

btw this was in the past,now all things showed to kids mostly conatins violnce,ya3nee the good people more powerful thatn the evil so they beat them,so it just became the opposite,not like b4..

karakib said...

النسبيه في الخطا و الصواب هي التي تجعل من الصعب جدا تحديد الأشياء الموضوع بتاع المثاليه ده خلا ناس كتير أوي تتخيل المدينه الفاضله بتاعتها و تعيش فيها او بمعني أصح تتجنن و تفتكر أنها عايشه فيها لو ما قدرتش تحققها فعلا .. الصدمات الأولي للأطفال أخدتها في سن بدري أوي