Tuesday, December 19, 2006

How Old Are You?! ..(Quotes 6)

"Tu as l'age que tu portes..!"

when u ask about sb's age ,..or even try 2 estimate how old is s/he ,...u always think about the period s/he lived on earth since s/he was born ...!!

but what if a person's age isn't just func(years spent on earth) ;) ?!..in other words ,..it's not just dependant on how long the person lives...& not constant under all conditions...?!!

so,..what's the point ...?!!

a famous person was asked .."how old r u?"...so he replied with this quote,....& i remembered it again these days which r full of friends' birthdays...!!

it made me think more about the point of person's age....& i felt the calculated age is just sth theoretical ...!!
on the other hand,..looking @ age practically we can find that it's about how s/he seems,..feels..., ..thinks,... behaves .. etc.

i mean it's mental related....!!

& here i don't mean mental disorders as in mentally retarded children ,....i mean that a teenager can b more mature & experienced than an old person....& an old one can b more energetic ,..active & cheerful than a kid,...& so on!!
& consecuently they can reflect a diff. age than the calculated one...!!

& when i say it's non-constant,..i mean it's situation related...!!!

coz a person may seem so mature while in another situation s/he looks like a kid...!!

so after all i can say that :
it's not just about how long u live ,..it's about how u live...!!


Anonymous said...


we sa7e7a bardo le el sho3ob we el belad ela ganeb el afrad

BaBaNesmA said...

nice quote

i think we've lived a lot in these past two years ....

Anonymous said...


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