Wednesday, December 31, 2008

For The Memory of Someone I've Never Seen..!

I haven't seen this person before he died,...i haven't known anyth about him,...& i even dunno till now, except 1 thing, that he was more than a special person...!!!

he died more than a year ago, & i can c how special he was in the eyes of his friend,..i can hear how different he was in their words,..i can feel how blessed he was from the everlasting grief filling them...!!!

i have seen many ppl,..& seen many kinds of friendship,...but i dnt remember i've seen this kind of eternal friendship,that lasts after death & gets deeper as time passes...i havent seen this loyality towards some1 who has gone,..i haven't seen some1 who leaves a great impact on ppl even if they have never seen him....i have never seen all this before...& i guess i wont c sth as impressive as this again...!!

mayb he's not around -physically- ,...but i can feel his precence all the time coz they feel it,..& as it's a strong feeling ,...its sincerity can touch everybody even if they dunno him...& its strength can make it as visible as the sun for everybody even if they havent seen him... !!

i know i have nth to do with this & i'm not involved to express it coz i didnt experience such a kind of relationships,..but at least i could c it & now i believe that some ppl can really have an extraordinary bond that turns them into 1 person in several bodies,.. so when 1 body goes away ,..he's never really gone ,...& when it seems for ppl that it's an end,'s not really an end...coz the bond remains forever...!!!

so they were all lucky for having each other & mayb the destiny didnt give them the chance for many years to come,coz it's alwayes the case,perfect moments ends quickly & good ppl leave early(fortunately to a better place) ,..but at least they were given a special relationship , a tremendous memory & a unique feeling that few ppl can experience through their lives,..& before evth they were given the BOND that will last forever...!!

so for the memory of some1 i've never seen i say:
may Allah keep this BOND forever , & gather u all in paradise :)
إِخْوَانًا عَلَى سُرُرٍ مُتَقَابِلِينَ

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Chapeau Israel..!

Chapeau Israel...that's all what i can say now !!

u may get astonished & ask y the hell am i saying that about the worst enemy ever?!!!!

but just wait a second i haven't turned insane yet, despite the severe scenes,... the deep pain,..the fading hope,..despite death & destruction,..despite all the darkness around,...i have't lost my mind yet...!

so y am i saying:"Chapeau Israel"?!

coz as usual they won,...& to be fair i have to admit it & greet them for their continuous success,..!!

they didnt win coz they killed hundreds of innocent ppl,...they didnt win coz they destroyed Gaza,..they didnt win coz they have the power ,..they won coz they could get us into an awful trap ,..they could blow in the fire of "Fitna" on all the levels,....no1 is talking now about Israel that much,..ev1 is talking about 7amas,Fat7, E7'wan,Egypt,Qatar,....etc.,..ev1 is arguing if there's a betrayal ,...each1 is blaming a party,...ppl are screaming on TV trying to prove their opinions ,...each unknown journalist or analyst is trying to make use of this opportunity to get in any talk show to say anyth about anyth,....arabs are arguing everywhere & accusing each other,...youth are fighting on chat rooms & forums about the cause,...,ppl are soaked in the tons of contradicted news they hear & read....each1 claims that he knows the whole truth when no1 really has it,....countries,leaders,ppl began to throw each others with words & on the other hand they began to get defensive concerning themselves, forgetting the main issue,...the main crisis,..the main ENEMY....!!!

so it's really justified to say Bravo Israil,...coz they always defeat arabs,..& arabs always help them with their stupidity,triviality,arogance,retardation & ignorance. they always give Israel the way to beat them,...they alwayes give it the best & the easiest chances ever for an enemy to take.

How lucky Israel to have such a kind enemy...& How pathetic we r..!!!

it's really awful but i have to say it & unfortunately seems i'll say it for years to come :"Chapeau Israel"...!!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008


I say: "A human being is nth but an accumulation of memories & experience."

both are gifts; no matter how good or bad, matter how happy or sad..they remain the core of the person.BUT the good memories are the ultimate gift...!!

last year i met 10 ppl who gave me this gift like no1 did b4,...those r my amazing "IT & Media' 08" Team...!

Guys,..i owe u tons of tremendous memories,... i can catch myself smiling at remembering great moments we've LIVED together ,..yeah LIVED ,...i dnt say "spent" or "worked" ,..coz we really lived together for almost 8 months (31July'07-22March'08),...8 months that seemed years,..we had those days when we spent around 12 hours together,....we had those weeks when we met everyday,...we had those months of continuous trainings & work,..we had all those wonderful moments which i will never forget...NEVER!!

i know months passed & it's over....but believe it or not,.. I MISS u all like hell...!!u r the best team ever,..u r the best group of ppl i've worked with,...u r 10 unique,..mmm... teammates,..friends,..brothers & sisters,...dunno what should i call u ,..coz we all had this special relationship that gathered us all the time & built special bonds between totally different 10 personalities!

i believe that i wont have a better team,...i know we went through evth a team can go through,...we had ups & downs ,..we had those tough moments,.but as a whole i can say it's the best experience i have ever gone through,..we were the best team ever,..& even ppl out of the team witnessed that & say it till now ..."You R The Best"...!!

Guys,..i know we still c each others,...but even if i dnt c u physically ,...i can c u in evth around....!!!

i can feel u in every corner we passed by in the faculty,..i can feel u when i pass in midan Salah El Deen,..i can feel u in Nabil el wa2ad,...i can feel u in Crunchy or Boreo Jumbo,..i can feel u when i work on my laptop,..i can feel u when i c my old RAM's,..i can feel u in salé sucré,..i can feel u with Andrew Cramer,...i can feel u in PS,Flash,DW,AE,ZEND,..i can feel u in my flashmemory,..i can feel u in kaspersky, can feel u in Carlos Santana,...i can feel u in any chroma,..i can feel u in my digital camera,...i can FEEL & SEE u EVWHERE...!

yeah i feel u evwhere, but i also have those times when i feel this bitter feeling of missing each and every moment we have lived together,...i miss the trainings,..i miss the sweet pain we felt while working for hours,...i miss the brainstorming,...the shooting,..the editing,...the rendering,...i miss the sleepless nights,...i miss our victory moments when ev1 said "IT...u ROCK",..& we said "Al7amdulelah"...!!!

SIMPLY i miss evth,ev1,ev.moment..!!!

i know that many ppl had those feelings for some days after the closing,..they suffer from the "Post Conference Depression ..PCD" for few days ,...but guess what?...i had a "Pre Conference Depression" symptoms,..when i used to look at evth & ev1 & felt bad for imagining that evth was gonna end in few days,...& surely i had a deep "Post Conference Depression",..with severe withdrawal symptoms for long time,....& surprisingly for the 1st time i shed tears for leaving a group of ppl with whom i worked & lived...!!

& the unbelievable thing is that i still have sth inside longing for those days,.. those thoughts become stronger in some moments that i find myself having all the possible expressions on my face as if i'm re-living those moments.

OMG,..i'm digging so deep in memories ,..& guess what? brings me this feeling of the bitter-sweet longing for the past,..the sweetness for passing through all that,..& the bitterness for not having those real moments anymore...!!

it may seem weird- for some1 not so emotional & expressive like me-to write this now,..but for me it's not,..coz i always recall those memories whenever i feel bad, that i cheer up & smile :)

Guys,i know months & years will pass,...ev1 will go in his way & have his life,..we may c each others & we may not,....but i'm sure the memories wont fade,... i'll c u in evth around,.. i'll always remember u & long for the great moments we lived together,...!!

Gasser,Yasmine,SaraH,Amal,OmEr,Ismail,Negm,Abdu,Tarek,Zizo;I owe u all those tremendous memories :)Thank u for every single moment we lived together :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Life Spectrum..!

being in contact with different ppl having different mentalities makes me always think , analyze & sometimes come up with theories & analogies between ppl & anyth in life...!

this time i had a little convo. with some1 who almost has 1 priority in his life ,..or mayb i should not call it priority coz one prioritizes when one has multiple things to be managed, this person's life is almost dedicated to 1 thing,...he may not have the time to sleep or eat ,...he believes that anyth other than his main goal is useless,...& actually he succeeds to outstand in that one thing....!!!

i'm not gonna judge & say this is good or bad coz after all one's life is one's choice ,...i'm just gonna put emperical models for ppl's approaches in life to show my point of view...& excuse me if i get into here we go...!

i call today's theory :"Life spectrum" it deals with the distribution of all the human activities across his life...& i'm gonna examples for clarification...!

1st of all
the x-axis be the different human activities (career,family,entertainment,spirtiuality,charity...etc.)
the y-axis be the weight of each activity,..or the power given to each...!!

& here are 2 examples:

the type whose life is almost about one thing- like the example i mentioned at the begining-

this type's life spectrum can be modeled by a delta function located @ one point (i.e:one activity),...with maximum amplitued,..while the amplitudes @ the other points are zero ,..or let's say TEND to zero to -b more precise-!!

the type whose life is multidimensional ,..those who make different things in life with different weights according to their priorities , they outstand in one thing & @ the same time have other small accomplishments in other fields..!

this type's life spectrum can be modeled by a Gaussian distributed function ,which has a maximum amplitude @ one point (which corresponds to the thing in which the person outstands & puts much efforts ) ,...& has other significant values around the maximum...!!

those r 2 models of life spectra to make my theory clearer,..& surely each one has his own unique model which is formulated by his thoughts & actions.

i believe there's no optimum model for life spectra,...but my personal opinion is that:
the Gaussian(or Normal) distributed spectrum is the closest one to the normal life balance -as its name reveals-coz it increases the person's exposure to different things ,..& gives life new dimenssions.
while the delta spectrum -in my point of view-is a disguised triviality coz the person of this type-even if his delta amplitude is incredibly large- leads a one dimensional life since he mainly believes in one thing ,...does one thing,..& know sone thing...!!

this was the "Life Spectrum" theory,..& this was my personal opinion...!
& now u can think about ur life spectrum & adjust it the way u want coz it's all about ur choice..!!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Life Lessons...!

throughout my life -my short life-i've learnt several things, of the most important things i've learnt in the few previous year is:

whenever u have the:time,the health,the energy,the passion,the money,the mental state,the ppl around,the environemnt,or whatever allows u to:

learn sth new,

do "ta3at",

help someone,

gain new experience ,

knock the unknocked doors,

have fun,

take steps forward,

or do any legal & benefecial thing for u & for ppl around u, DO NOT hesitate or postpone ,..just take the chance,..coz there may come times when u dont have the perfect spirtual,mental,phsychological, financial or physical states to help u do whatever u could have done before....!!

so whenever u c the chance,..GRAB IT...!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Celebrate Failure..!

The following thoughts are a message to me before any1 else :)

"Celebrate failure"
what a crazy phrase...!

u may wonder "Can any1 celebrate his failure?!
surely the answer is not "Yes he can"...the answer is "YES HE SHOULD"...!!
am i getting crazier...?!

mayb ...but that's what i've learnt from "The Robinsons"....!!
Does this ring any bells..?!..
i guess it does, in case u r a cartoon fan like me :D
it's "Meet The Robinsons" movie by Disney where u can c the ultimate positive attitude ever..!!

excuse me if i'm getting that much into cartoon ,..but i'm sure i'm not the only one here who looks to cartoon as a magnificent world & an amazing source of inspiration as well as entertainment..!

if u watched the movie u surely remember the scene when Lewis failed & began to apologize when the whole family cheered & celebrated his failure..!
if u didnt watch it ,..u can read the quoted part at the end*,..but make sure to watch it later :)

i watched "Meet The Robinsons" more than once ,..but it was just the last time when this phrase began to echo in my mind continuously:

"Celebrate Failure"
"Celebrate Failure"
"Celebrate Failure"

i began to think of the kind of failure which deserves celebration,.. & i called it the "Smart Failure"...!

it's the failure that comes after planning the right way & doing the best ...!
it's the non repeated failure that teaches u sth new & help u know what works & what doesnt...!!

this kind of failure...the "Smart Failure" gives u the right to celebrate...!!

so whenever u face a "Smart Failure" moment,...stop & celebrate coz here u make sure u r not dead yet,...u r still here trying,..u still have the inner passion to go forward ...!!

Okay, that should do it!” Lewis laid down the screwdriver and examined the PB and J invention.

“It’s so exciting … Let her rip, Lewis!” Billie exclaimed, looking excited.

“Quickly,” Art urged. “Uncle Joe can’t hold on much longer!” A red faced Uncle Joe was rocking in his seat, sobbing and sucking his thumb.

“Everybody ready?”

“Go, Carl!” Lewis handed the machine to Carl. Everybody cheered as he activated the invention; it whirred promisingly, then jammed again. “Oh no,” Lewis breathed, sounding apprehensive. Peanut butter and jelly exploded out of the gun, landing on everyone. “Oh no,” Lewis moaned again, burying his face in his hands. “I – I didn’t know, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”

“You failed!” cried Bud happily.

“And it was awesome!” Gaston applauded Lewis.

“Exceptional,” Art added.

“Outstanding!” cheered Laszlo.

“Uh … I’ve seen better!” Petunia shrieked, always with a positive attitude.

“From failing, you learn,” Billie told Lewis, shrugging. “From success, not so much!”

Monday, September 08, 2008

تأملات فى حال البلاد و العباد(2)...!!!ا

ا"اللهم أهلك اليهود و النصارى أجمعين...اللهم رمل نساءهم و يتم أطفالهم...اللهم أحصهم عددا و اقتلهم بددا و لا تغادر منهم أحدا.....!!ا"...الخ

اعتدت أن أستمع الى ذلك النوع من الأدعية فى صلاة الجماعة...سواء كان القيام فى رمضان أو حتى فى صلاة الجمعة على مدار العام...و كنت دائما ما ألاحظ الاجتهاد فى الدعاء عند تلك الأجزاء من قبل الامام...و مضاعفة التضرع من قبل المصلين ...و فى ذات الوقت كان ينتابنى شعور بالريبة يثير داخلى الكثير من التساؤلات حول ذلك النوع من الأدعية..و لا يخفى على الكثيرين أن مجرد التساؤل فى مثل تلك الأمور -التى قد اعتيد عليها لسنوات- قد يضع المتسائل فى دائرة الاتهام بالتشكيك فى المأثورات أو عدم نصرة الاسلام...الخ

و لكننى و لأنى أعلم أن هذا الأمر ليس من المعلوم فى الدين بالضرورة ..و أن هناك مجالا للتساؤل عنه ظلت بداخلى تساؤلات.. فكنت أفكر فى موقف الرسول -عليه الصلاة و السلام- فى مثل تلك الأمور
هل دعا مثل تلك الأدعية و بنفس الألفاظ؟
هل كان يدعو فى كل يوم على كل من لا ينتمى للاسلام؟
لماذا لم يدع أن يطبق الله على قومه الأخشبين؟
ألم يدع الرسول قائلا"اللهم اهد قومى فانهم لا يعلمون"..!ا

ثم حاولت أن أجد تفسيرا و أفكر لماذا ينطلق المصلين بكل حواسهم فى التأمين على تلك الأدعية

هل هو حقا حب الاسلام المتقد فى نفوسهم ؟...أم هى تلك المرارة من التى ذاقوا منها ألوانا؟...هل هى الرغبة الدفينة فى الانتقام ؟...أم هو الحب و البغض فى الله؟...أم أنه العجز المسيطر الذى يدفعهم الى الانطلاق فى الدعاء ظنا منهم أنهم بذلك قد أدوا ما عليهم تجاه الاسلام و المسلمين و تطهروا من سلبيتهم و خمولهم التى ما يلبثوا أن يعودوا اليها بمجرد أن تخطو أقدامهم أول خطوة خارج أبواب المسجد؟

و أخذت أتساءل
أليس من الممكن أن يكون أحد المصلين -و هو يدعو عليهم جملة- قد دعا على أمه أو زوجته الكتابية ؟
أليس من الممكن أن يكون أحد المصلين من معتنقى الاسلام حديثا و يكون بذلك داعيا على سائر قومه بدلا من الدعاء لهم بالهداية؟
أليس هناك من غير المسلمين من شوهت فى عقله صورة الاسلام بما كسبت أيدى المسلمين أنفسهم؟
أليس هناك من غير المسلمين من لا يسعون الى ايذاء الاسلام؟ بل و يسعون الى مناصرة قضاياه أحيانا بدافع أنسانى بحت؟
أليس الأقرب الى نفسية المسلم السوية تمنى الخير لمثل هؤلاء بدلا من استجماع كل السخط و الغل و الكراهية و توجيهها اليهم فى سلسلة من الأدعية العامة المرسلة التى تشمل الجميع دون استثناءات تذكر...؟!!ا

الى أخره من التساؤلات التى تتبادر الى ذهنى فى كل وقت أقف خلف امام يدعو فى الصلاة مثل تلك الأدعية...و لا أعلم هل فكر البعض فى ذلك الأمر من تلك الزاوية أم لا...و لأننى لا أملك الاجابة الدقيقة عن كل الأسئلة التى تجول بخاطرى ..قررت أن أختتم حديثى فبجزء عنوانه (الأدعية الاستفزازية) من كتاب "خطابنا الاسلامى فى عصر العولمة"..للدكتوريوسف القرضاوى ...قرأته منذ أعوام قليلة و شعرت أنه يصب فى نفس القضية التى دائما ما تؤرقنى...!ا

الأدعية الاستفزازية

ليس من الموعظة الحسنة اتخاذ الأدعية الاستفزازية في صلوات الجمع وفي قنوت النوازل وغيرها. فبعض الوعاظ والخطباء يدعون الله تعالى: أن يهلك اليهود والنصارى جميعا، وأن ييتم أطفالهم، ويرمل نساءهم، ويجعلهم وأموالهم وأولادهم غنيمة للمسلمين

ومن المعلوم أن في كثير من بلاد المسلمين توجد أقليات من النصارى - وربما من اليهود - وهم مواطنون يشاركون المسلمين في المواطنة، وليس من اللائق أن ندعو بدعوة تشمل هؤلاء بالهلاك والدمار؛ إنما اللائق والمناسب أن ندعو على اليهود الغاصبين المعتدين، وأن ندعو على الصليبيين الحاقدين الظالمين، لا على كل اليهود والنصارى.

على أني لم أجد في أدعية القرآن ولا في أدعية الرسول ولا في أدعية الصحابة مثل هذه الدعوات المثيرة: يتم أطفالهم، ورمل نساءهم، وأمثالها
. بل أدعية القرآن مثل: {ربنا أفرغ علينا صبرا وثبت أقدامنا وانصرنا على القوم الكافرين} (البقرة: 250). {ربنا لا تجعلنا فتنة للقوم الظالمين. ونجنا برحمتك من القوم الكافرين}ا

ومن أدعية الرسول: "اللهم منزل الكتاب ومجري السحاب وهازم الأحزاب اهزمهم وانصرنا عليهم

"اللهم إنا نجعلك في نحورهم، ونعوذ بك من شرورهم"

وقد قال تعالى: {ادعوا ربكم تضرعا وخفية إنه لا يحب المعتدين} (الأعراف: 55). أي لا يحب الذين يعتدون ويتجاوزون في دعائهم

وبعض الخطباء يدعون الله تعالى بابادة الكفار جميعا و لا يبقى منهم باقية قائلين"اللهم أحصهم عددا و اقتلهم بددا و لا تغادر منهم أحدا"و هذا دعاء دعا به أحد الصحابة على من عذبوه و اخوانه و عرضوهم للقتل و الصلب،فهو دعاء خاص،فجاء هؤلاء الخطباء و جعلوه عاما، و استخدام الخاص فى موضع العام من أسباب الزيغ و انحراف التفكير

و لا خلاف أن الدعاء باهلاك الكافرين جميعا "أن يقتلهم بددا و لا يبقى منهم أحدا" ينافى ما أخبر به القران أن كفر الكافرين واقع بمشيئة الله تعالى:{ولو شاء ربك لأمن من فى الأرض كلهم جميع }(يونس: 99)ا

فمن ذا الذى يعارض مشيئة رب العالمين؟

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


X Y Z....when we c them we just remember "Variables",....!!
in mathematics or physics or anth we just frequently use them to refer to the variables or the different parameters...but what are variables for me?!

X Y Z..etc. or variables are not just related to science & equations,...for me variables r a real ACHE ,... dunno if it was my nature or it just turned like that in the few past years,...mayb i got affected by the kind of study i'm involved in ,....but whatever the reason is,'s really a big deal for me...!

whenever i think about anyth ,..analyze any issue ,..i just look to evth & try to separate the related constants & variables ,...& unfortunately variables r alwayes more than constants & consequently opinions ,..decisions,..judgements are really so hard.

surely this confuses me alot most of the time & it may even bother me sometimes,...but i guess it's not that bad,..on the contrary; it's a good thing to control the way you think & tackle issues even if it makes it harder for the mind to process & give results...!!

ah,..btw;i'm not just getting my life more complicated ^o),...mayb it's just the ALIEN mind's domination :)...!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Can We Play Together?

back to childhood days......
i remember a common situation i faced a lot when i was a kid,....whenever i went to the club,..the beach,..etc.,....other kids,as usual, used to come & say "Can we be friends?=momken netsa7eb?"or"can we play together?"...etc.

i used to look @ them unsure ^o),...walk away,..or even ignore them as if i heared nth...!!!actually i wasnt an arrogant or spoiled kid ,..i know i was-& still-shy & a bit-or alot-non social,...but when i think about it now i find myself wondering if i-as a kid- had the feeling that friendship can't b built that way,...mayb it wasn't convincing to me starting a friendship by offering or requesting ,...mayb i couldnt get the point of assigning the word "friendship" to a couple of hour relationship,...mayb i had a problem getting so intimate to someone that easy, or even have a problem in my interpersonal chemistry.....dunno..!

anyway seems i went far in analyzing a samall issue as usual :D,...& i guess i had nth like that in mind when i was a little kids , whatever the reason was i used to leave a 1st impression of a boring kid ,...& before some1 says it & i'll say it;i now i'm still leaving a bad FIRST impression,...but i guess not the same manners...i dnt ignore ppl or walk away",..i just dnt go "play"- or let me say in the grown ups terminology-"get along with ppl that easy...!

after all we r the same person :), & the kid within :D

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Giant Within..!

August 2008
when the light is shed to reveal the giant within...!!!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Srebrenica massacre..!

how many ppl around the world know about "11 september" ? many heared about "The Holocaust"?...
thousands,millions,..or even billions...!!

fine,..& how many heared about "Srebrenica massacre"?...
or let me ask the harder Question, many 'Muslim' know about it?!
unfortunately i can confirm they r few,..& u may be one of them or one of the millions who have no idea about it....!!

i'm not gonna claim that i knew about it along time ago,..i just new around four years ago when i passed by an article on its anniversary & i knew a little about it...!
& here we are in 2008 after 13 years & few ppl know about this brutal massacre where the Serbs killed more than 8000 muslims in Srebrenica (in Bosnia and Herzegovina) as a part of an ethnic cleansing campaign against the muslims...!!

last july was the 13th anniversary,...& nowadays the case is still discussed in the international court of justice ,..& still few ppl know about it ,...which is a shame after all...!!

i'm not gonna say that i know evth sbout the issue which is bad,...but i try to know & care coz i have to,..& that's why i bought the book shown above once i saw it in the book fair coz its intro is by mahathir mohamed & the author was a witness who survived the massacre,....actually it's not a history book,'s a novel & i can't say it's so great or the best theing i've read coz after all it's a novel,.....but still it had sth to connect me with the case & trough it i found out some points about different issues ,...for example i found out about muslims in a place called "boritaria" or sth -not sure about the name-which is near the north pole ,..i found out many things although it was just a novel...!!

i repeat ,'s a shame to stay 13 years without spreading the awareness about the massacre,...without supporting the case,...& without standing against humanity & muslim humilation in a clear case like that...!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Confusion Point...!

"if preparatory was pointless & 1st electrical was a turning point,....let 2nd electrical be the Deception Point......!!!"

so what about the 4th year ?
let me call it "The Confusion Point"...!
it was one of the worst years -if not the worst -since KG........or let me say that's how i saw it from my narrow human point of view ,....coz we alwayes-as humans-dont c the hidden gifts from Allah in the pain & most probably we realize them too late ,......!!

i know that but i have to admit sometimes i forget or get so overwhelmed by pain & despair that i cant avoid or get'm out of mind....!

i'm not gonna go deeply in the issue coz i guess it's clear from it's name it's confusing, was hazy & no1 will get it coz i tried alot to analyse it .....but i believe ev1 has a time when he goes through a vague problem & just feel bad....!

so after all it finished ,...& i'm waiting the result as usual...but this year my waiting & my prayer is different coz evyear i prayed to get high grades & asked allah alot ,...but this year i just pray to have the gift of SATISFACTION ,...i really need it badly & no one excpet allah can give it me ,....this is my only hope to ACCEPT any result & i mean it ANY result in peace & never feel bad about it ,...that's all what i beg for....!

i'm anxious about my reaction towards the result more than the result itself ,....i really really really need Allah's help to get over it regardless of how bad or good it is,....!!

so i ask no1 but Allah to give me satisfaction,strength & patience now & all the time...coz if i lose them i'll lose evth....!!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A One-Question Test..!

who is/r ur best friend/s?*

if u take seconds thinking b4 mentioning their names....
if u r not able to name them immediately....
if u r not saying their names confidently......

u don't really have one/s....!!!!!!

*(the accurecy of this test depends on ur definition of "best friend")

Saturday, July 05, 2008


What’s meant by ‘problem’ or ‘crisis’?! …is it sth absolute?...can we define it exactly ?!...& can ev1 judge it on the same basis?!

I was thinking about the concept of problems & crises ,…how ppl feel ,judge & deal with them,…..& why they act differently towards them …!!!

I found out that it’s simply what bothers & irritates the person regardless of its size or how others think about it coz I believe it’s sth relative , a problem is called a problem only by the one who feels it !!

But the remarkable point that ppl insist on judging each other & they tend to underestimate others’ problems which is too bad...!!

I remember I was talking with my 8-year-old cousin about school ,… I found out that he is bothered by the sports class coz they just play football & he doesn’t like it ,but there’s no other choice ,…he also hates the attitude of the kids in playing as they always curse eachother & say 'bad words' –he said I"I wont mention’m"-

Mayb it seems a trivial thing,..but personally I felt this should b taken seriously,…if he’s a little kid it doesn’t mean that every feeling,word or problem is also little ,…coz after all it sth irritable.

Another situation I remember when I was talking with a friend who used to teach illiterate to read & she said how come they take all that time to learn a lettter & how it seems impossible to teach them certain letters….& I just told her think about a 50-year-old KG student who is working ,raising children or grandchildren & immersed in life problems ,…dnt look from ur prespective ,….it may b a kind of torture for them.,……!!

When I rethought about this issue I felt that underestimating others’ problems is the default between ppl,…teenagers & kids,….youth & teenagers,….old & youth ,…highly educated & illliterate ….etc…..although each one was probably on the other side one day ,….but either he forgets his previous problems or just pretend he had no similar ones,….so he feels better by stressing that his problems r the worst nightmares while others’ r just a kind of exaggeration .

In coclusion; a problem is a relative personal non-judgeable issue…!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


one of the confusing questions that always comes to my mind & keep bothering me sometimes ...!!

Is REGRET a human right?...& i mean to regret an action or a decision without being ungrateful to Allah & without being overwhelmed by the severe feeling of guilt?!

coz whenever sb complains about sth & say that he regrets a certain decision almost ev1 blames him for thinking that way & just say "that's how Allah plans our lives ,..& mayb it's good for u , dnt regret coz u r unthankful that way....."...or they say "didn't u pray "esti7'ara"?....then believe that whatever path u've taken ,'s the best inshaAllah"....etc.

surely i totally agree with all that,..& i do believe in it where's the problem?!!!!
the problem that i agree to a certain point,....but i keep thinking about some confusing points...!!

Allah gives the human the freedom to choose in certain points in life , the person is responsible for his actions & there's a chance to make wrong decisions ,...& that's y there's the accountability issue or the (Thawab & 3ekab),... & as for the "esti7'ara" issue ,..i'm not sure but i guess it's not a compass or a 100% indication coz still the human mind & some other factors may dominate & direct the person,... so i believe we can't just consider it a thing to hang every decision or action on it ...!!

so thinking that way make me reach the conclusion that :
if the person has the chance to make both right & wrong decision than it's valid to regret his actions & learn from his faults without being ungrateful to Allah....!!
i always try to rethink to find out whether i'm right or wrong.....but after all i keep thinking.....!!

i know it's a complicated issue,..& mayb i couldn't explain it clearly ,...but that's how it goes with thoughts ....!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008


in any process there's sth called the efficiency ,'s kind of an indication to the "useful" output coz the output itself is meaningless if not looked at as a combination of useful & useless components,...this useless component is the dissipated part & consequently is valueless ...!!

so why am saying all that now?!!,...coz it's applicable to some point on evth in life...!!

let me start with an example concerning the educational system coz it's where i'm stuck right now,....& the freakin' exams should have an impact on me one way or another....!!

so here we go......
if i talk about my personal experience i can say that the process we're living in has an extremely low efficiency....& the ones who r managing the system r not aware of that point coz unfortunately they believe in superlatives .
they just keep the hardest way,the longest paths,the most complicated techniques ,the oldest procedures ,.....etc. ,....& they just believe that the hardest,the longest,the most complicated,the oldest ...etc will keep them the BEST....which is not true.....coz all that may dissipate human power -which is the most valuable asset for the person-without getting a considerable "useful" output ....& this is a disaster...!

i know some ppl say that whatever u go through in ur life is useful to a point & even if u dnt learn or get a tangible thing ,..u'll learn persistence ,patience,hard work...bla bla bla......,for me it's as if u turn a device on or whatever continuously just to find out its capacity & know how much it lasts ,..but actually u r just dissipating power in vain...coz it has a another main function u r neglecting...that's exactly how it works with us here or worse !!

so let me ask,...if there's a possibility to learn more (quality not quantity),use the same power in more useful tunings & minimize the dissipation ,..why not?....& who said that we reached the optimum performance with the current system?!,....forget about being the best or the most reputable faculty or university & all those stuff we hear......coz it's not true anymore or let me say it's not sth absolute .....& this sense of superiority makes things worse year after year.....& consequently the overall efficiency is dramatically declining with respect 2 others who may not care about those "superlatives" that much coz they care more about the usefulness of the output ....!!!

mayb it's just an example & mayb some ppl dont agree with me & c that i'm exaggerating ,...but that's how i c things not only in the higher education -i'm involved in-but in many many other things around us ,..the efficiency is usually very low & still most of the ppl look to the absolute output value & feel good about the superlatives which is pointless...coz again & on a larger scale for example :
what's the use of being one of the OLDEST civilizations if we r not keeping the keys of success & using our resources efficiently ? what's the point of having one of the LONGEST rivers if we r wasting & ruining it? what's the use of having the LARGEST plantable lands in the area if we r not using them? or what's the point of having one of the HIGHEST percentages of youth in a country if we r ruining them?!...what's the point of all those ***..EST if they r just dissipated like that ?!

so again,..after all it's not about how much output we get ,'s about the USEFUL part or the efficiency which should be kept in consideration in each & every process in life....!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


Veronika Decides To Die
Paulo Coelho

'You say they create their own reality,' said Veronika, 'but what is reality?'

'It's what the majority deems it to be. It's not necessarily the best or the most logical, but it's the one that has become adapted to the desires of society as a whole. You see this thing i've got round my neck?'

'You mean your tie?'

'Exactly. Your answer is the logical, coherent answer an absolutely normal person would give: it's a tie! A madman, however, would say that what I have round my neck is a ridiculous, useless bit of coloured cloth tied in a very complicated way, and which makes it harder to get air into your lungs and difficult to turn your neck. I have to be careful when I'm anywhere near a fan, or I could be strangled by this bit of cloth.

If a mad person were to ask me what this tie is for, I would have to say, absolutely nothing. It's not even purely decorative, since nowadays it's become a symbol of slavery, power, aloofness. The only really useful function a tie serves is the sense of relief when you get home and take it off; you feel as if you've freed yourself from something, though quite what you don't know.

'But does that sense of relief justify the existence of ties? No. Nevertheless, if I were to ask a madman and a normal person what this is, the sane person would say: a tie. It doesn't matter who's correct, what matters is who's right.'

Certain people, in their eagerness to construct a world which no external threat can penetrate, build exaggeratedly high defenses against the outside world, against new people, new places, different experiences, and leave their inner world stripped bare. It is there that Bitterness begins its irrevocable work.

The will was the main target of Bitterness (or Vitriol, as Dr. Igor preferred to call it). The people attacked by this malaise began to lose all desire, and within a few years, they became unable to leave their world, where they had spent enormous reserves of energy constructing high walls in order to make reality what they wanted it to be.

In order to avoid external attack, they had also deliberately limited internal growth, they continued going to work, watching television, having children, complaining about the traffic, but these things happened automatically, unaccompanied by any particular emotion, because, after all, everything was under control.

The great problem with poisoning by Bitterness was that the passions -- hatred, love, despair, enthusiasm, curiosity -- also ceased to manifest themselves. After a while, the embittered person felt no desire at all. They lacked the will either to live or to die, that was the problem.

That is why embittered people find heroes and madmen a perennial source of fascination, for they have no fear of life or death. Both heroes and madmen are indifferent to danger and will forge ahead regardless of what other people say. The madman committed suicide, the hero offered himself up to martyrdom in the name of a cause, but both would die, and the embittered would spend many nights and days remarking on the absurdity and the glory of both. It was the only moment when the embittered person had the energy to clamber up his defensive walls and peer over at the world outside, but then his hands and feet would grow tired and he would return to daily life.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sha7'abeet (4)...!

Wednesday 21/5/2008

around 11:00 am
Hall 702

(Exam Q paper ; after running out of writable info :s....[insanity ^o)])


Sunday, May 18, 2008

It's Gonna Be.......!

how do most of the ppl feel on seeing kids ?... hope,cheerfulness,innocence...etc.

but dunno why do i just feel sorrow & sympathy towards them-lately- ,....sometimes i just look at kids & imagine what's waiting for them in this world,..the hard shocks they'll get ,...the awful facts they'll discover,...the daily struggles they'll get through...the country failure on all levels they'll c...!!

i know it's life & that's how things work,...& to grow up ppl should go through all that ,..experience ups & downs,..know the facts & struggle each & every moment. BUT i'm not talking about the normal issues ,'s not my concern,....i just mean the awful circumstances in Egypt.... & that's y i do feel sympathy towards the Egyptian kids in specific.

i look to the rate of decline in evth here & wonder: what if the rate remains the same for the coming year? ...& i just find myself saying OMG ,'s gonna be a catastrophe....!!!

how on earth will those kids learn in such an educational system ?!! will they withstand the world challenges in a country that goes backward?...will they find medical care?....will they know the meaning of the word "justice" ? will they have an idea about "ethics"?...will they join the expected extra millions of poor ppl by 2020 ?!....will they have to buy their dignity?...will they?....will they?

mayb when we were kids evth wasn't perfect,... & i know we r living in similar circumstances now,....& we r already suffering from most of that ,....but we've got the shock & got into reality , i just sympathize with those kids who r gonna leave their world to the real world sooner or later.....!!

i know i'll hear sb saying: "that's our role to fix things & make those kids suffer less...bla bla bla".....theoretically it's true,..but practically it's not that easy coz it's not only about us ,'s about a country which needs a real reform ,...& real revolution in evth ,it's a complicated issue ....& if it was just that easy ,..y r we still here? & y r we going worse?!.....

it may seem pessimism ,...but as i always say it's the reality that ppl don't want to c & they may hate my words coz they live in this denial state ,...but i always c the future as a result of the past & the present , it's somehow predictable unless sth extraordinary happens , according to what's happening 2day ,..the near future is gonna be .........(fill in spaces)

so ,..yeah it's the only option to try to fix things & make'm better,'s our duty & mission on earth ,... but still i can't help that feeling of sorrow when i look to evth going around ...!!

so all we can do is work & hope for the better in a way or another...& we'll c!

Friday, May 16, 2008


How many N left....?!

"هاهم أمامك متن نص أنت حاشية عليه و هامش"

Monday, May 12, 2008


Designed by me around five months ago..(almost exams' time :D)!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Please Do Not Read...!

I don't read "A7'bar El Youm",...& i guess i've never read for Momtaz el Ott,.....but i've just heared about this shocking article,...which i can't call an article in the 1st place,'s either a joke or nightmare, it's a catastrophic sarcastic undefined thing , if u r not strong enough to withstand it plz dnt read ...!!

'ياريس كل سنة وانت طيب وربنا يخليك لينا'..
كل سنة ومصر تعيش معك أغلي وأعز أيامها.. سنوات مرت وكأنها حلم جميل داعبنا، وجعلنا نبتسم لكل أيامنا.
في عيد ميلادك ياريس ندعو الله لك بالعمر المديد، لكي تحقق لنا المزيد والمزيد.. فنحن سيدي الرئيس قدرك، وانت قدرنا. لمن غيرك نشكو؟! من مين غيرك نطلب!! لمن غيرك نروي احلامنا وآمالنا في مستقبل نملك فيه القدرة علي ان نحقق طموحاتنا، ونترك لاولادنا وأحفادنا وطنا عزيزا وقادرا علي ان يحقق لنا كل ما نتمناه.

بصراحة.. إحنا بنحبك لأنك إنسان أصيل.. بتعرف تحافظ علي كرامة وكبرياء بلدك وشعبك.. بتعرف تقرأ المستقبل صح ياريس.. وفي كل حاجة.. بره وجوه.

بنحبك.. لأنك مابتعملش حاجة إلا بعد ماتحسبها صح.. ويكون قرارك في الصميم.. بنحبك لان تاريخك كله نظيف.
تاريخ بطل.. كان يكفيه من كل الدنيا وسام الانتصار في حرب أكتوبر. الوسام الذي وضعه شعب مصر كله علي صدرك داخل مجلس الشعب تقديرا لبطولاتك ودورك الذي فتح أبواب أعظم انتصاراتنا.

دايما ياريس، القرار الغلط في أي مجال يكون له تأثيرات سلبية، بتختلف من مكان لمكان.. ولكن في الطيران القرار الغلط يعني الموت.. من هنا دايما بيكون فيه تقدير وحسابات كاملة قبل أي قرار.

طول ما إحنا معاك ياريس حسينا بالحكاية دي.. مفيش انفعال ولاغضب.. أي حاجة دايما تسبقها دراسة كاملة.. كتير قوي ياريس مواقف مرت علينا وعلي بلدنا.. تحديات كتيرة لا لها أول ولا لها آخر.. لكنك ياريس عدتها كلها بسلام.. بحنكة ومهارة وتفكير.. كانت دايما ياريس مصر معاك.. في قلبك وعقلك والعدو والحبيب دايما بيحسب لبلدنا معاك ألف حساب.
بنحبك ياريس.. لأن سمعة مصر معاك أصبحت زي البرلنت.. وبيحسدونا عليك.. لأنك مننا.. دايما ياريس كنت معانا.

ساعات كتيرة كنا بنكلم نفسنا.. بنقول ياتري الريس حاسس بينا.. ياتري الريس حاسس بمشاكلنا وهمومنا.. وفي كل مرة ياريس نكتشف الحقيقة إنك معانا.. أنت جزء مننا وإحنا جزء منك.. بتتكلم زينا.. وحاسس بالظروف الصعبة اللي إحنا عشناها.
وبصراحة ياريس.. إحنا نسينا أيام زمان.. إحنا ادلعنا ياريس في عهدك.. ونسينا كل حاجة وحشة.. نسينا زمن الاشتراكية اللي ضحكوا بيها علينا لاننا اكتشفنا إننا بنعيش في وهم جميل صحينا منه يوم 5 يونيه.

نسينا زمن تليفون العمدة وبقينا دلوقتي محتارين.. نركب 012 ولا 010 ولا 011 ولا أرضي.
نسينا القطارات ماركة اللي يحب النبي يزق!! نسينا زمن كل حاجة بالبطاقة من قطن العرايس لحد قماش التيل والبفتة والدبلان.. نسينا زمن المجاري اللي طافحة وطلمبات الميه البحاري ووضع النواية جوه الزير.. نسينا ياريس زمن زوار الفجر وزوار الصبح والظهر والعشا.. نسينا اللهو الخفي ونسينا نشوف النجوم في عز الظهر.

دلوقتي كله بيتكلم.. مفيش حد خايف.. شلت الخوف من قلوبنا يا ريس ودي نعمة إحنا مكناش حاسين بيها.. دلوقتي ممكن أي واحد ينتقد رئيس الجمهورية والحكومة وكل حاجة!! ساعات بنزودها حبتين!! لكن جوانا شعور إننا مش خايفين.. عارفين إن فيه كبير في البلد.. بيحبنا وبنحبه.. عايش في قلوبنا وقريب دايما مننا.

بنحبك ياريس لأنك مننا.. انت الرئيس الذي لا يتحدث بلغتين.. اللي بتقوله في الغرف المغلقة هو اللي بتقوله في العلن.. ودايما آراءك وأفكارك سباقة والعالم كله يا ريس آد أيه بيحترمك ويقدرك.. طولة بالك وسعة صدرك ياريس وحبك لينا.. خلانا نطمع أكتر واكتر ياريس.

في عيد ميلادك الناس.. اهلك... وشعبك... كل اللي بيحبوك المفروض يقدموا لك ورود الدنيا كلها.. لكنك ياريس كنت سباق بالخير.. طول عمرك سباق بالخير.. العلاوة ياريس كانت مفاجأة.. كانت عبور بالموظفين الغلابة من الدوامة اللي عايشينها ليل نهار.. الناس كلها دعت لك ياريس بالصحة والسعادة.. حسوا ساعتها انك جزء منهم وانت بتطالب الحكومة إنها تدبر الموارد عشان العلاوة لأن الناس مش ناقصه.!!

الناس ياريس كلها بتقولك في عيد ميلادك كتر خيرك.. وربنا يديك الصحة.. والسنة الجاية برضه هنقولك عايزين علاوة ياريس.. 'علاوة ريس'.. له في قلب كل مصري حب ما يتقدرش بأموال الدنيا كلها.
كل سنة ومصر معاك بخير ياريس ونفضل دايما نقولك عايزين وعايزين.. والسنة الجاية مش مهم العلاوة تبقي 30 % خليها 25 % بس!! إحنا مش طماعين!!
كل سنة وأنت بكل خير ياريس.

I was trying to highlight the weird parts,...then i remembered that i made this post in the 1st place coz the whole thing is weird....& consequently i'm not gonna comment now!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Failure for Dummies..!

i was thinking what can egypt teach the world,... what unique experience can the government transfer to the other countries ? & what significant thing can the responsible or even the normal ppl write about ?!

i found out that in the last decades egypt
succeeded to fail , the different successive regimes,few as they are, could set new standards for failure on different levels , it came up to my mind that the special thing egypt can teach others is the failure techniques . it can be in a simple book to gather the deep experience in this field .

The book can be entitled "How to become a LOOSER in 21 days?",..."The 7000 habits of highly effective LOSERS"...or it can be "FAILURE for Dummies" as the famous for Dummies series...!!

The book can include the different types of failure,...starting from the individual failure to the nation failure,....& that's y many ppl can contribute in this book starting from the normal citizen to the highest authority in egypt,.....each one can add sth after all ,....coz ppl either experienced special sorts of failure or contributed in creating new techniques ....!!

to b clear i'm not talking about the normal failure evbody around the world go through ,....coz it's not always bad after all,...& ups & downs are the essence of life ,.....i'm just talking about a special kind of failure ,....the failure that brings evth down all the time,....the failure that has no reason,...the repeated failure that comes time after time in the same way or even worse,....the failure that is destructive enough to get into the souls of a whole nation,...steal their smiles & kill their hopes ...............this is the failure i'm talking about...!!

Toshka project was a failure, Mondial zero was a failure...intensive corruption is a failure,...governmental organizations systems r failure,.... education process is a failure,....political system is a failure ,.....those r some examples of the destructive failure which get worse evday...!

so mayb it's time to write the book ,.....& mayb it seems a joke,...but it can b true....not to teach others the techniques of failure,...but to document the worst experience to learn from it later on, think deeply about the reasons of failure & be aware not to repeat it..... !!!

that's what turn failure in to success ,...only whan ppl get out of the denial state , admit their failure & work to avoid it later on....!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Happened In Al Amereya..!

Nasir Shamma who witnessed Al Amereya massacre ,in Iraq, expressing it on his Oud...!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

In Love With Books ...!

Born in a home where books were evwhere around ,...i had that special relation with'm b4 i can even read.....we had that big library , i saw it big as a kid :D, containing books ,dictionaries,encyclopaedia's & others in various languages (arabic,english,french,russian,persian....)& in totally different fields (starting by politics,economy,military,science,languages,history....& ending by cook books :D)......!!

being a kid i had nth to do with it ,...but as times passed i began to open it & check the books out ,....& guess what?!!... till now i may find out a new book that was stuck here or there on the upper shelf or sth ,...!!
it happened a couple of weeks ago ,..i saw a book that i've never seen b4 ,...& as it was in the middle shelf i wondered how i didn'ti noticed it b4 ^o),....weird,....i felt as if the books r reproducing there :D...!!

that was the initial library in home, father's one,.....but as my parents began to buy us books since the first years in our lives books began to accumulate in home & they became official members in our family ,....!!
i dnt remember exactly when i began to read alone,..but i guess i began earlier than many kids do ,..mayb coz i was sharing my elder sister or coz that passion was growing up since day 1,...dunno,....i read short stories,...prophet's stories,...etc...... i remember that i read relatively long stories in primary stage,....mayb on 4th or 5th i began to read famous novels as "around the world in eighty days",..."journey to the center of the earth",..& stuff like this, 1st preparatory we moved to another apartment taking the books with us,...we made 2 extra small libraries to put the books that multiplied in the previous years,.....& here i began to look through the books again & try diff. kinds, preparatory i began to read famous arabic literature ,....i guess my first one was "Al Ayam" ,...i do remember :D ,......!!

then after a while i decided to seek diversification ,.....i mean to read anyth coz i believed that whatever we read will add sth to me even if it's tiny.....i remember reading a book about (GATT) in preparatory phase or sth ,....i guess i didn't remember most of its details after finishing it ;; ,...but it was ok after all :D
& since then i tried to read diff kinds of books,....& sometimes i found myself interested in a certain type for a while ,..then another one,..etc.

mayb sometimes in secondary phase or the beginning of the faculty phase i was busy,...or couldn't manage time properly when i study , i didn't have the time to read as much as i wish & found myself afraid to start a book & not have a time to finish it quickly,....coz actually i dnt like to read a single book in along time ,.....!!

but lately i decided to find time in a way or a another coz that's sth i love ,..sth that cheers me up ,...sth that adds new dimensions to my life ,...sth that offers me a special companion when i get fed up with ppl , i have to find an hour here & another there & read to nourish my mind & soul ....!!

i do c real book worms ...& i know i'm not a real one,...or mayb a tiny one :D....,.....but mayb coz i dnt always have the time & coz i do have other priorities in life ,....mayb that's y i'm a tiny one :D,....but i also know that the more i grow up ,..the stronger the connection between me & books gets ,..... the more i get happy & sad @ the same time when i go to somewhere full of books coz i love them but dnt have the time or the money for them all :D,...& most important the more my reading passion grows....!!

i guess i went far in all those scattered thoughts about books & reading ^o),...& mayb whoever reads that will get bored or won't b able to make find the connection in it,..but after all they're just my thoughts & they came to my mind....!!!!
so after all i just pray for Allah to give me the time & the passion to read till the end of my life :)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Destiny (2)..!

In the last entry i was talking about "The Alchemist",...or actually i just wrote some quotes or paragraphs i was sent b4 i read the whole novel ,..& as it was long i decided to comment in another entry, here we go...!

firstly when i read this part of the novel i felt as if it touched sth in my mind ,....mayb a couple of years ago i would've just said ...what a silly novel or what the hell is he talking about?!....but being in certain state of mind made me astonished by this part ,...dunno y,..but mayb coz i felt how true it can b,....or mayb coz i felt better to find out that it's sth common & not just a kind of insanity to keep thinking about futuer,.... choices,...available paths,....opportunities,...threats .....simply thinking about Destiny as he calls it all the time ....!!

i guess what i'm talking about is clear for whoever read the novel,.....but let's dig deeper in the issue....!!

the novel mainly talks about that shepherd who had a dream about a treasure in the pyramids area,....& to follow his dream he had to travel from Europe to egypt in a time when transportations was not that easy ,.....he me different ppl,..he money was stolen which stopped him & made him about to give up,....but through meeting some wise ppl & getting involved in various situations,...he could carry on & reach the pyramids after around 2 years,......& there he didn't find any treasure ,..instead he found a man who told him that he was idiot coz he followed his dream as that man had a similar dream about a treasure in the town the boy came from,...& he thought he was wise enough not to follow a silly dream....!!
so after all the boys went back to this town ,..dug & found out the treasure...!!

surely it's not the whole novel,'s just my approach to summerize an important point i wanted to stress on......& mayb the novelist goes far sometimes in a fantasy or a fairytale way ,...but overall u can feel the words of wisdom & the philosophical approach of life in most of the situations in the novel....!!

& if we look deeper in the treasure issue we can c that the treasure was the destiny he was following , was vague,..he didn't even know what exactly was looking for....he just knew that he was in his way to sth valuable & he had to work for it even if he didn't know it coz it worthed all the effort & the time he had to spent,.....& that was his motive ,....& whenever he was about to get satisfied & stop following his destiny he met some1 who reminded him of how important his journey was ,... how important to follow the omens in the universe ,..carry on till the end & never stop ,...& he did despite all the difficulties & threats he met on his way.....!

surely there came times when he felt that evth happening was a kind of a curse & couldn't find an explanation for anyth ,...but at the end and after he finished his journey & got the treasure he found out that the real treasure was the experience he lived & the ppl he met in those couple of years ,...he found out that he gained alot,..much more than a tangible treasure ,...& he found out that he would've lost alot if he didn't follow his dream as the man he met at the pyramids ,.....!!

he actually made sure of what the author says that " Life really is generous to those who pursue their destiny"....!!

mayb the part of realizing all that came at the end of the boy's journey in the last page in the novel & wasn't that detailed ,...& that's how i felt life works ,.....we may live years confused,..feeling sth wrong is going on,..unable to explain whatever happens ,..seeking sth vague ,...feeling bad about being lost in crossroads...........etc.....till a moment comes when evth is revealed & than we can look to the past & know how each single tiny thing happened was arranged by Allah in the best way ever......!!

unfortunately as this comes in the end of the journey ,...we just go in tour lives & forget that ,...but mayb that's y Allah sends messages or ''omens" as the novel says to remind us .....& that happened to me intensively in the previous months through convos with others or a novel or whatever,....& that's y i was touched by the novel although it may seem less than a normal novel for others....!!!

so here i'm trying to live my days ,..follow the omens,..pursue my destiny,....hoping that life will b generous to me for seeking it,...& looking forward for the day when i'll look back in satisfaction & know y i took certain paths instead of others & after all thank Allah for guiding me & arranging my life the way it was :) .....!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Around a month ago i was sent the following part from "The Alchemist" ,...with the red highlights in it,......i've heared about this novel since years but didn't have the chance to read it, after reading those quotes & being in a certain state of mind made me borrow it within few days & read it although i was sooo busy ....!!
& as it's kinda long part & i dnt have enough time now to write my comment about this part & the whole novel's idea,...i'll let u read it for now -if u r interested- & i'll comment in the next entery ISA ...!!


"For several reasons. But let's say that the most important is that you have succeeded in discovering your destiny."

The boy didn't know what a person's "destiny" was.
"It's what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young, knows what their destiny is.At that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible. They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives. But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their destiny."

None of what the old man was saying made much sense to the boy. But he wanted to know what the "mysterious force" was; the merchant's daughter would be impressed when he told her about that!
"It's a force that appears to be negative, but actually shows you how to realize your destiny. It prepares your spirit and your will, because there is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth."

"Even when all you want to do is travel? Or marry the daughter of a textile merchant?"
"Yes, or even search for treasure. The Soul of the World is nourished by people's happiness. And also by unhappiness, envy, and jealousy. To realize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation. All things are one.And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

They were both silent for a time, observing the plaza and the townspeople. It was the old man who spoke first.
"Why do you tend a flock of sheep?"
"Because I like to travel." The old man pointed to a baker standing in his shop window at one corner of the plaza. "When he was a child, that man wanted to travel, too. But he decided first to buy his bakery and put some money aside. When he's an old man, he's going to spend a month in Africa. He never realized that people are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of."

"He should have decided to become a shepherd," the boy said.
"Well, he thought about that," the old man said. "But bakers are more important people than shepherds. Bakers have homes, while shepherds sleep out in the open. Parents would rather see their children marry bakers than shepherds."

The boy felt a pang in his heart, thinking about the merchant's daughter. There was surely a baker in her town.

The old man continued, "In the long run, what people think about shepherds and bakers becomes more important for them than their own destinies."
The old man leafed through the book, and fell to reading a page he came to. The boy waited, and then interrupted the old man just as he himself had been interrupted. "Why are you telling me all this?"
"Because you are trying to realize your destiny. And you are at the point where you're about to give it all up."
"And that's when you always appear on the scene?"
"Not always in this way, but I always appear in one form or another. Sometimes I appear in the form of a solution, or a good idea. At other times, at a crucial moment, I make it easier for things to happen. There are other things I do, too, but most of the time people don't realize I've done them."

Sunday, March 02, 2008


One day i was asked by some1 who travelled a couple of years ago abroad to work for PHD ,..."How is Egypt?!",...

i answered "u just can predict how's everything going on if u look to the past & the present ,...they r the real indication for the near future ,...just look carefully to the trend & u can feel what's happening without seeing it,....!!

mayb it can b a pessimistic point of view although i call it realistic ,....but we can't ignore the fact that nth comes from nowhere & what happen now is a result for what we lived 2day ,...& consequently what's gonna happen 2morrow is a result for what's happening now to a certain point,......& based on my belief that the net motion in our society is negative i can say that i have concerns about the future....!!

surely what reminded me of all that is Dr.Ahmed Khaled Tawfik's latest novel "UTOPIA" which i read a couple of days ago , belongs to the Dystopia trend (the vision of a society that is opposite to utopia).......he's kind of imagining the worst case scenario for egypt in specific if the same conditions remains with some changes in the whole world ,....(around 15 years from now...)!!

the novel goes through the lives of the rich who get richer & the poor who get poorer showing the opposites,...& showing how evth is ruined ,...ethics ,..humanity,...etc,..... how the ppl on both sides lost their humanity & turned into horrible creatures worse than animals ,.....& how few of them struggle to keep part of their humanity ,....!!!

it may seem a kind of a shock,...& some readers may feel that it's a fantasy ,...but i c it a bell to make ppl wake up b4 everything is destroyed,.....& who know mayb one day ppl will remember this novel as an old true predictions & if that happens i wish to b out of this life not to c that coming true ....!!!

after all whatever our POV's in the dystopia issue r ,'s a novel that worths reading ....!!

Monday, February 18, 2008



يوم جديد تطل على استحياء شمسه معلنة قدومه .... محملة بهموم لم أعد أدرى ما هى أحاول أن أنهض لأستقبله...يمنعنى شئ ما من النهوض...أقاوم ذاك الشئ أو" اللا شئ "و انفصل عن السرير اللعين الذى ألتصق به لساعات دون أن يراودنى حلما أو حتى كابوسا...فقط يراودنى "اللا شئ"....أغادره أخيرا بخطوات ثقيلة و كأن مغناطيسا ضخما يجذبنى الى الوراء...أمسك بالجريدة لأتفقد أحوال الطقس....تقول الجريدة أنه يوم مشمس ...و لكن حدسى يخبرنى أنه يوم ملبد بالغيوم....أنظر من النافذة... أرى بالفعل سماء مظلمة ملبدة بالغيوم....لا أعلم اأخطأت النشرة الجوية ...أم أن تلك الظلمة هى الظلمة بداخلى قد فاضت حتى اجتاحت الكون و صبغته بذلك اللون الكئيب ....أم أنه "اللا شئ"...؟!ا

أرتدى ملابسى...أحتسى "اللا شئ"...أنطلق الى حال سبيى و أنا لا زلت ما بين النوم و اليقظة...تلك الحالة التى تنتابنى لساعات قبل أن تتم يقظتى حتى أن الرائى ليسألنى ما بك....فأجيب "لا شئ"....!!ا

أرى فى ذاك الصباح الباكر من يمسحون قطرات الندى عن نوافذ سياراتهم...لا أعلم لماذا أشعر فى تلك اللحظة أنهم يمسحون عن وجه الكون دموعا أخذ يذرفها طوال الليل ....و.اتساءل ما الذى قد يبكى الكون هكذا ...تراه "اللا شئ"؟ !!!ا

أمضى فى طريقى....أتفحص أوجه الناس من حولى...يتملكنى شعور بالغضب لا أعلم مصدره...أحاول أن أقاومه....أشعر بنسيم الصباح الرقيق يداعبنى...أعرض عنه و أكاد أقسم أن أصرخ به لو كان بشرا.....أمخر عباب الكتل البشرية المحيطة بى من كل جانب ...أرى أناسا يعرفوننى و أعرفهم ...أمر أمامهم مرورا عابرا دون أن ينبس أحد منا ببنت شفة....لا أعلم هل استحلت شبحا أم هم من صاروا أشباحا ...أم ترانى تحولت الى ذلك "اللا شئ؟!!!...

.أمر على أخرين ...هذه المرة يلقون التحية .... أقنع نفسى أن تلك التحية موجهة لى و أننى لست شبحا...أبذل جهدا و أنا أرد التحية كى أرسم على شفتى تلك الابتسامة التى لا تنجح فى خداع الرائى و تخفى ما وراءها من الغيوم القاتمة....أجلس بين الجموع من حولى...أسمع لأصواتهم طنينا كطنين النحل ....أشعر بالانزعاج...يعلو شيئا فشيئا ... يتشابك الصياح مع الضحك مع الشجار ...يعلو الضجيج...تنتابنى تلك الرغبة المجنونة فى الصراخ ...الصراخ فى من حولى...الصراخ فى نفسى...الصراخ فى "اللا شئ"....أعلم أنه الجنون بعينه و لكن تلك الرغبة تنتابنى بشدة منذ زمن بعيد ... أخيرا أطلق صرخة مدوية ....و لكن لا أرى من ينتبه أو يتحرك قيد أنملة.....ترى هل كان صوتى خافتا الى ذلك الحد ....أم أننى لم أطلق تلك الصرخة الا داخلى...و لم تسمع الا داخلى...أم أننى فقط أطلقت "اللا شئ"....؟!!

أتأمل مشهد الغروب المهيب....أرى الشفق يحيط بالشمس التى ترحل كما ولدت فى الصباح على استحياء...و أرى ظهور الهلال الذى يبدو فى تحدبه ككهل حمله الزمان ما أحنى ظهره و قوسه.... أرى أسراب الطيور التى تهرع فى كل الاتجاهات و كأنها تفر من شئ ما....و أرى بقايا من نجوم أشعر و أنا أرى بريقها الخافت أنها تكبدت عناء كبيرا كى تنتصر على ذلك الضباب و تلك الغيوم التى توشح بها الكون...اتأمل و أتألم...لا أدرى هل أتألم لرحيل الشمس و تقوس الهلال و فرار الطيور و طغيان الضباب أم أننى أتألم لأنى استعذب الألم!!...استغرق فى التأمل الى أن أجد من يهمس فى أذنى "كفى"...أتلفت لأعلم من ذا الذى تجرأ ليقطع خلوتى....أتلفت و أنظر فأجد "اللا شئ".....!!!!!