Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Srebrenica massacre..!

how many ppl around the world know about "11 september" ? ...how many heared about "The Holocaust"?...
thousands,millions,..or even billions...!!

fine,..& how many heared about "Srebrenica massacre"?...
or let me ask the harder Question,...how many 'Muslim' know about it?!
unfortunately i can confirm they r few,..& u may be one of them or one of the millions who have no idea about it....!!

i'm not gonna claim that i knew about it along time ago,..i just new around four years ago when i passed by an article on its anniversary & i knew a little about it...!
& here we are in 2008 after 13 years & few ppl know about this brutal massacre where the Serbs killed more than 8000 muslims in Srebrenica (in Bosnia and Herzegovina) as a part of an ethnic cleansing campaign against the muslims...!!

last july was the 13th anniversary,...& nowadays the case is still discussed in the international court of justice ,..& still few ppl know about it ,...which is a shame after all...!!

i'm not gonna say that i know evth sbout the issue which is bad,...but i try to know & care coz i have to,..& that's why i bought the book shown above once i saw it in the book fair coz its intro is by mahathir mohamed & the author was a witness who survived the massacre,....actually it's not a history book,..it's a novel & i can't say it's so great or the best theing i've read coz after all it's a novel,.....but still it had sth to connect me with the case & trough it i found out some points about different issues ,...for example i found out about muslims in a place called "boritaria" or sth -not sure about the name-which is near the north pole ,..i found out many things although it was just a novel...!!

i repeat ,..it's a shame to stay 13 years without spreading the awareness about the massacre,...without supporting the case,...& without standing against humanity & muslim humilation in a clear case like that...!!

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