Thursday, January 15, 2009

The White Coated Organism (AKA Dr's) Journey..!

finally it's over ,..the long journey is over,..after 6 years(actually 7,never mind with numbers it's a complicated issue) my sister has finished her final year-the 6th-in medicine (actually not the final officially,but never mind it's a complicated issue) :D
as a matter of fact i was kind of involved in this journey so i'm celebrating her freedom(actually not a total freedom,coz...or never mind this is a complicated issue) by writing down some notes & thoughts concerning this journey..!!

one of the noticeable things that any medical student face is ppl's non-stop inquiries & comments concerning evthing,..& in most case they r so silly & repeated.
so let me mention some of those common comments & questions in a chronological order starting from the 1st year, here we go.

-in the 1st year:

*congratulations,but take care it's a loooong journey :s, it 6 or 7 years? u have a preparatory year?
{here u have to explain the system briefly ,being sure that no1 will get it..!!}

*OMG,u have a skeleton at home ,u study on real corpse ?!! poor girl, do u stand all this ...!!!!
{here u just smile & say it's ok trying to get out of this conversation}

-in the 2nd year:

*how's studying?...oh,u study u really deal with real corpses?(again),..i heared that some ppl get shocked & lose their consciousness in such situations,..don't u?!!!!
{here u try not to lose ur temper & say that u've heared this Q millions of times & u can stand the dead ppl coz they dont ask those silly Q's}

*do u have normal vacations like everybody?...i get lost in ur system...!!
{here u have to explain that the 1st four years are normal}

-in the 3rd year:

*sorry,which year is it?..the 2nd or the 3rd? how many years left?!..ur system is weird..!!
{here u explain-for the millionth time-that it's normal NORMAL in the 1st 4 years}

*which specialization would u like to choose?
{here u have to explain that it's early to ask this Q+it's a complicated issue}

-in the 4th year:

*so do u have a summer vacation?..i know some years are merged & u dnt have a summer vacation...!!!
{here u use all ur storage of patience to answer & say that the 1st 4 years are totally N-O-R-M-A-L...NORMAL!}

*oh,tell me,which specialization will u choose?
{again,u just explain that it's early to ask NOW..!}

-in the 5th year:

*is it ur final year?...i got lost in ur system & dunno anymore in which year u r ?
{here u force urself to explain quickly with a fake smile on ur face ..!!}

*(after few month)...r u still in the 5th year?...OMG,'s a tough way u chose...ur friends in other faculties have just graduated...!!
{here u just find an inner voice saying,..SO WHAT?}

*oh,..u deal with real patients, u operate on them?

*haven't u got specialized yet...!!!? u have anyth in mind?...what about pediatric,it seems easy,...or ophthalmology ,we all wear glasses (with a silly laugh),..or or or (mentioning all the specializations they've ever heared about including dentistry..!!!!)
{here u have to confirm -for the millionth time-that the specialization is a big issue}

-in the 6th year:

*so how many years left?,..i guess it must b the final year..!!
{here -for the 1st time ever-u can say YES without any addetional explanation}

*so u r getting specialized this year?!!
{here -for the billionth time-u explain that the specialization issue is affected by many factors ,& not just a piece of cake..!}

-after the 6th year:

u think that the Q's are over but unfortunatly u find another flow of Q's

*so r u now an official graduate?
*what r the next steps?
*will u get specialized now?

& the process continues...!!

so this was shot from the journey of a medical student ,..& after all i just can say congratulations for surviving , may Allah be with u in the next phase & give u the patience to carry on & to answer the silly questions ,....after all it's ur destiny & u chose it ;)


Anonymous said...

my best friend graduated from the faculty of medicine this year ... a year ago (it's complicated)
and we had the SAME conversations


Sherif said...

Lool, 1st of all, congrats for the sis :D
2nd, OMG, how can any1 miss ur engineering background, only engineers use " billionth " that frequently :P

Last, loooooool @ " dead people don ask such silly Q's !! "

Anonymous said...

loooooooooooooooooooolz mabrooooooook 3o2balna b2a isa yarab

da lsa b2a lma tnzel 2lmostashfa ;;

Ummah said...

yehia al masry;
yeah it's always the same :D

1st:thx :D
2nd:mmm,..didnt notice that b4 8-)
last:it's a fact :D

Ummah said...

allah yebarek fiky,..3o2balna fe3lan :D

Unknown said...

lool ;d
AKA Dr's Journey
FYI I made it to the 4th year ... not that bad
blog digital awy ;;

Anonymous said...
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