Monday, January 05, 2009

Online War..!

Wars in the past used to be just by traditional weapons,...Nowadays,wars take new dimenssions in the world especially after the enormous global technological revolution...!

internet is on the top of the modern weapons used in wars,...& as we r in the middle of a severe war in Gaza-actually the worst in the past few years-we can c the Israeli ppl using this weapon to DECEIVE the world by spreading their LIES everywhere on websites ,webblogs,facebook,youtube,flicker,twitter,...etc.

& since we,arabs,are stuck in our argument ; we r not aware enough of this effective weapon ,..& we dont use it as much as they do to promote our cause , tell the whole world about the Israeli CRIMES in Palestine in the past decades & show every1 who is the real VICTIM...!!

one of the examples they use now is a facebook application to count Qassam rockets hitting Israel & update the user's status automatically
HERE ,...they r making a big deal out of small things to make the world believe that they r suffering not TORTURING innocent ppl in Gaza....!!
they also fill their blogs with topics-full of lies or half truth- tagged (Gaza & Israel) to be on the top of the results when any1 searches..!!!
they play their DIRTY game on all the levels & use all the available weapons,...& that's what the war about....!!!

on the other hand i could find some efforts from arab bloggers to blog for Gaza & support the cause online like :
Bent Masreya
غزة.. شارك في المعركة اونلاين
Gaza Talk
How to resist Online ?

i also can mention a widget by Aljazeera
(The Death Toll) which counts the number of dead ppl on both sides & shows the huge difference

so if u r a blooger,programmer, or even just a facebook member ,..if u have sth to do about this,..check the suggested ideas in the previous links & mayb u can write a fair topic in english or any language to talk to the world or make a useful application to support the cause,...who knows mayb it makes a difference more than just talking to ourselves in the same traditional way all the time...& fortunately this is an available & legal weapon but just needs new & effective ideas to make use of it...!!

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