Thursday, May 31, 2007


1-find out the % reduction in my performance in exams (N) & give a proposal to mentain the original performance....... <-<

2-Explain the principle of design of Microsoft Surface shown below in details......!!!

Microsoft Surface

3-can any1 kill me?!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

sha7'abeet (2)...!!!

During performance lecture


whenever i have a paper & pencil (or pen) i keep on writing unrelated words & mayb they don't make sense or draw different meaningless shapes & color'm that way.


Sha7'abeet (1)...!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

To The Top....!!

(on a summit in the Alps)

Q: What kind of message would you like to bring your fellow Egyptians with your climb?

Omar: That one can accomplish anything he puts his mind to and against seemingly insurmountable odds. I am definitely not saying that everyone should go climb a mountain or Everest for that matter — although I admit it would be nice if the sport became more popular — but I hope that my attempt can help motivate and inspire people to relentlessly chase their own dreams with eyes wide open.

omar Samra
The 1st Egyptian Everest Summiter


Omar Samra ; the 1st Egyptian to climb mount Everest in 2007 with London Business School team .
i watched him yesterday on TV (in Al Kahira Al Youm) talking about his journey ,....& i was impressed coz i like to watch ppl who take challenges from any kind & achieve'm!

Omar was asked whether any official authority or ministry talked to him ,...honored him,...or anyth as they do with winners or or even losers in some sports esp. football ,....& surely the answer was NO,....but as he seems decent he didn't said NO,...instead he said " i guess ISA they'll talk to me & after all i dn't make it to get some in return"

mayb some ppl think that it's so luxurious sport & what the point or the big deal about it,.....!!!!
& that's y i started with his quote ,...coz after all it's about challenge,....those who take such challenges have a huge opportunity to succeed as long as they have a strong motive & a true will.....!!!!

so a man like him with MBA degree achieving such an extraordinary challenge would have been honored in any country & would have been given an opportunity to have a job coz he has that potential as he said (my next challenge is gonna b in my work but i'm still looking for a job....!!!!!!!!!!!!)

after all i wanted to point out sth through this,.....that we r a really narrow minded country,...ppl & official authorities just know & care about singers, actors , football players & other few sportsmen ........neglecting other stars in science , literature , or whatever field in life even if it's sth like that.

we r not gonna go forward with such trivial mentality that makes the model & the star a singer or a football player (with my respect to evbody) ......!!!!



(on mount Everest summit)

Q:What motivates or inspires you generally?

Omar:Challenging the normal ways of doing things and myself.


Proof that:

(where Hn(x) is the Hence function)
& Hence find the value of :
*H5(x) in terms of H0(x) & H1(x)
*integration ||xHn(x)dx
bla bla bla

best Regards;
Hence certified from the international institute of Hence

Saturday, May 26, 2007

من كوسيا الى سوريا....!!!ا

تبعث دولة كوسيا و جارتها لوبيا الى دولة سوريا الشقيقة أطيب التمنيات بمناسبة الاستفتاء على ولاية دستورية جديدة لزعيمها العظيم ....متمنيين اللحاق بها فى ركب الديمقراطية قريبا.....!!!!!ا

Amnesty International Report...!

Peaceful protesters calling for independence for the judiciary and political reform were violently dispersed by police.
Hundreds of members of the banned Muslim Brothers organization were arrested and scores were held awaiting trial at the end of the year. Thousands of suspected supporters of banned Islamist groups, including possible prisoners of conscience, remained in detention under emergency legislation without charge or trial; some had been held for more than a decade. Torture and ill-treatment in detention continued to be systematic.
In the majority of torture cases, the perpetrators were not brought to justice. At least three people were sentenced to death; four others were executed.

Amnesty International Report 2007



that was a part of Amnesty International Report for 2007 concerning egypt, usual reports about all the countries -including the top countries - r published discussing some points as in egypt's report (torture & ill treatment / freedom of expression /refugees & migrants....etc.) & as usual our official newspapers don't discuss anyth about it & if they do,...they just mention other countries reports like USA's to make ppl feel that the report is about those countries,... hiding the truth that each country has its own report.......!!!!
the government , the official authorities & newspapers avoid mentioning any criticism for the country as if ppl here & everywhere around the world don't know the truth.....HOW STUPID!!!


the complete version of the report:
Amnesty International Website

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Explain with the aid of neat sketches how can i pass this year with the least physical, mental, & psychological disorders,...mentioning all the possible types of disorders . Define all the mentioned terms.....!!!!!!!!!*


*Hint:There is a real disorder called "Conversion Disorder"....!!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Neither Technology Nor Money ...!!Quotes(10)

"Neither technology nor money can bring prosperity, only man can"

Mohammed Bin Rasid Al Maktoum


few months ago Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rasid Al Maktoum was asked ,..what percentage of his vision to Dubai was achieved till that moment,.....he didn't said 100 or 90 or even 50 %,.....he said just 5%.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all what Dubai achieved couldn't satisfy the ambition of a man as Al Maktoum ,....he always feels that there is always more to make & harder challenges to take,......& that's what turned Dubai into what it is today......!!!!

i was gonna talk mainly about Dubai,.....but i had to mention Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rasid Al Maktoum & give him the credit,....coz i believe he is a leader with a vision & that's what makes difference in any country ,...organization or even a small company,......a leader with a VISION inspiring ppl ....!!!

"It's all about money".....i can feel u now saying that,...& surely whenever Dubai issue is discussed this point is mentioned,....& that's y i started with that quote:
"Neither technology nor money can bring prosperity, only man can"
coz i believe that many countries has the money,......guess what?! Egypt has money.....mayb not as much as Dubai or other gulf countries,....but still Egypt has money to make difference,.....but unfortunately it's wasted here & there ,...or let's say it's stolen due to corruption evwhere.......!
so yeah's about money ,...but not ALL about money....!!

mayb Dubai is not that perfect in evthing ,.... it may have problems from any kind , & it can be so so luxurious to unbelievable extent,.....but still let's look to the good side.
yeah they make luxurious projects as Borg El Arab or The Palm Island or whatever resorts they construct ,....but on the other hand they support sports,..culture , ,..industry ,..etc.

for example :

months ago i found out that they built (Dubai Silicon Oasis) to be a center for microelectronics & semiconductors industry & to support high tech research & development (as in the Silicon Vally in Callifornia)...!!!!!!!!!!!!

during this month
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rasid Al Maktoum foundation announced that there'll b 10 billion $ to support cultural & scientific development in the arab world....saying (& that is the begining)!!!!

so we can c that it's not just trading centers, & resorts ,'s an overall development for all the sides of life....with the eyes on the VISION!!!

again u can say it's all about money,'s ok & it's true..... a great vision with no money has a little opportunity to survive,.... but alot of money with no vision has no opportunity to make sth....!!

so mayb money can buy many things & make some difference ,...but it cant buy a vision & a true belief that leads to great difference....!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

صباح الخير يا وطنى.....!!ا

ما زالت المأساة الفلسطينية قائمة...و لعلنى فكرت أن أكتب للمرة الثانية عنها -(المرة السابقة)- ..و لكننى اّثرت أن أنقل الكلمات ممن يعيشون تلك اللحظات.....فنقلت الكلمات التالية من مدونة صديقة عزيزة -عبير- من قاطنى الضفة.....!!!ا


صباح جديد ، يطل علينا حاملا رائحة الموت و البارود

صباح جديد لم يكن ليبشر بأي خير منذ لحظاته الأولى

قد يبدو لعين الرائي ، أن مدينة غزه قد غادرها أهلها ،واستوطنتها أشباح موت سوداء، تطلق الرصاص في كل اتجاه ...دون بصيرة ...

مدينة الموت ... قد يبدو هذا الاسم أنسب الأسماء لغزة في هذا اليوم

لم يبق في مدينتنا شارع واحد إلا وقد تم إغلاقه من قبل المسلحين ... ولم يجرؤ أحد منا على الوقوف أمام نافذته .. كلنا مسمر أمام شاشات التلفاز .. بينما مزيج من المشاعر الغريبه يعصف بنا .. الإحباط ..الغضب ..الحقد .. الذهول .. وربما كان الحزن مكللا بالدموع سيد الموقف ...

رائحة الموت غلفت مدينتنا ... واتشح كل شيء بالسواد ... حتى نفوسنا .. أكلها السواد .. وأبصارنا ...لم يعد لها أي فائدة في ظل السواد المحيط بها

صباح جديد ياوطني !!!!!

ما الذي جرى لنا ؟ ما بالنا نقتتل على سلطة بدون دوله ؟ على حكومة بلا صلاحيات ؟

ما الذي جرى لقلوبنا ؟ ما الذي جرى لإيماننا بالله ،ومن ثم بقضيتنا ؟

ما الذي حدث لنا ؟ هل هو عصر الجنون حقا ؟ جنون المال و السلطه؟

لماذا ينسى الجميع ( كل المسلم على المسلم حرام... دمه وماله وعرضه .. كحرمة يومكم هذا ،في شهركم هذا )

لماذا يتناسى هؤلاء المتقاتلون على المناصب (كلكم راع ... وكلكم مسؤول عن رعيته )

صباح جديد ياوطني !!!!

اغفر لنا

ما أجرمنا في حقك

اغفر لبعضنا ما أجرموا

اغفر لهم كيف لوثوا صورتك ولطخوا اسمك النظيف أمام العالم

اغفر لهم

ولكني أعلم أن التاريخ لن يغفر لكل من سجل اسمه على صفحاته بالدماء

وأعلم ان الله سيحاسب كل هؤلاء القتله المرتزقه وسجازيهم بالذي يستحقونه

فإنه تعالى يمهل و لا يهمل

Friday, May 18, 2007

A Complain Free World...!

A complain-free world is a campaign initiated by an american priest,....i watched him talking about the idea on TV a couple of days ago,'s about breaking the habit of complaining which is almost the human nature.

Scientists believe it takes 21 days to form a new habit. the person who takes the challenge puts a bracelet around his wrist (as a reminder) ,...the bracelet should remain in one wrist for 21 days,...if he catches himself complaining he is supposed to take off the bracelet ,..switch it to the opposite wrist & start counting the days from scratch,...the challenge as mentioned is to keep it around 1 wrist for 21 days continuously ....!!!!

mayb it's just sth he thought about,...but the imp. point that it made me think how much we complain, much I complain ,...i felt that i'm complaining alot & i imagined that, 4 me, i won't make 21 hours with the bracelet around one wrist :S
How bad I am...!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


قال: أتعلم ما هى لعنة الفراعنة؟

لعنة الفراعنة أن يستيقظ حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيدحفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفي دحفيد حفيد حفيد حفيد حفيدك من نومه و هو يقول أن جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جد جده قد أدى ما عليه من ديون و بأن العالم لابد و أن يظهر بعض الولاء له.....!!!ا

أحمد العايدى
"أن تكون عباس العبد"

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

و تحسبونه هيناً.....!!!ا


من كام يوم كنت واقفة مع واحدة قدام الكلية حنركب و نمشى...و كان معاها عصير فبتطلع الشاليمو من الغلاف الصغير بتاعه و بعدين راحت رمياه ....فبصتلها كدة و قالتلها ليه كدة بس ؟!!!...فقالتلى أصل معرفتش أحطه فين!!!...و بعدين فكرت كدة و نزلت تجيبه من الأرض ...فقلتلها ...خلاص اللى حصل...فقالتلى لأ برده أشيلها أحسن ...يمكن يوم القيامة تفرق معايا تنزلنى شوية و لا حاجة....!!!ا


امبارح كنت بقول لحد أنا ناقصنى تجربة فى معمل باور و معرفتش أعوضها ...و خلاص بقى حودّي الكتاب زى ما هو ب 6 تجارب و خلاص....فقاللى خلاص اضربيها و خلاص...أى حاجة....!!!!!!!!!!...فقلت لأ أكيد مجاتش على درجة و بعدين لو جبت الدرجة كدة أكيد حتروح فى أى امتحان تانى..... !!!ا


وَتَحْسَبُونَهُ هَيِّنًا وَهُوَ عِندَ اللَّهِ عَظِيم

Sunday, May 13, 2007


last friday we were walking in city stars ,..i stood for moments having a look on a café & as usual i had a thought concerning cafés....!!!

i wondered of the number of cafés increasing day after day ,...then
i told my father : i guess that those workers should have been chosen on certain criteria & got trained to perform like that ...!!!
so he said :surely coz i observed them & u know they r not providing a service of "ahawy" ,...they r serving in another way,.... so surely 10 or 20 of those were chosen from 500 or so.......!!!
u know ,..surely most of them r highly educated with good skills & languages ,....but unfortunately they just cost the country alot in all the phases of education ,....!!!!
after all it can be a good job for a graduate as a part time job,....youth in other countries have this kind of part time jobs,....!!!
then i said 2 my sister jokingly: u know ,...surely they earn much more than a graduate doctor :D.....!!!

here ends the conversation,....but still the point is that ppl here r so attached to high education & certificates (balad shahadat) even if they r not gonna use it later,....i'm not saying that high education is not important,...but still in any country u can find different levels of educations & various kinds professions ,....but the most important point that each & every person is respected as long as he is an effective member in the society ,..regardless of his "certificate"....!!!!

mayb the problem here is about 2 main points;

1st: the unavailability of differentiated education systems with an acceptable quality to gain ppl trust,....!!!
2nd: the mentality which refuses other types of education ( even if it exists with acceptable quality) ,...seeking prestigious certificates & titles ,....even if they add nth to the person & society....!!!!

so if the previous 2 points can be changed ,....things can go better some how....!!!!


sth aside:
weeks ago ,..i had to make a research concerning unemployment & job market in egypt,...& during the presentation ,. i said -as evbody did- that high unemployment rates can cause problems such as so & so,.then i said ,..but let's look to the filled half of the cup ,..... unemployment has a good effect on one kind of investments, makes cafés number increase more &amp; more,... & they make more investments for the sake of unemployed youth spending their time there coz they have nth 2 do....!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Listening .....!!

when sb talks to others & starts to complain or mention some situations or whatever he says,...the response of others is mostly commenting, criticizing, advising ,...etc. ,...which may not b the best thing all the time.....!!!

i heared once that a type of listening is emotional listening ,...& here the person just listens to the speaker without giving much comments or advice ,.....coz actually the speaker doesn't always seek that & it can bother him more & more.....!!!

i felt it's true coz sometimes i find myself saying -in my mind- sorry for starting to talk <-< ,...yeah i may seek a mutual conversation but that doesn't mean it's just about saying lectures in whatever the conv. is about ,... & i noticed that most of the ppl do that with their friends,..children or whoever talks to them ,...feeling that they r helping & unfortunately they may not b.....!!!

mayb i do that some times but not alot,...4 example i have a friend who always does odd things (from my own POV) & sometimes i feel that how come she said or did so!!!!but i rarely criticize her & if i do, i do it jokingly coz i know that @ that moment she doesn't seek criticism & i'm here just to listen & if i start to judge,blame & give advice i'll make nth except bothering her more & more......!!!!

after all ppl have a problem in listening generally not just in that issue ,....coz they always take the time -in which they should listen others - thinking about what they r gonna say's a matter of listening skills!!!!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

عودة الى المدرسة.......!!!!ا

كانت أخر زيارة لمدرستى التى قضيت بها جميع مراحلى الدراسية فى أبريل 2005 (اعدادى هندسة) ...أى لم أقم بزيارة منذ عامين.....على عكس كثيرات ممن كانت تتكرر زياراتهن من حين لأخر......قد يكون لما بداخلهن من ارتباط أعمق بالمدرسة.....!!!!ا
و لعل غيابى يبدو تقصيرا أو نقص تقدير للمدرسة التى لم أشهد غيرها طوال دراستى....و للمدرسين الذين دائما ما كانت علاقتى بهم قائمة على الاحترام المتبادل و ان ان اختلفت مع بعضهم أحيانا.......!!!ا

بعد عامين من الانقطاع ...و فى أبريل 2007 قمت بزيارة الى المدرسة .....تجولت قليلا....و رأيت بعض المدرسين الذين لم أرهم منذ زمن .....رأيت المدرسة بما فيها و كأننى تركتها بالأمس......و كعادتى فى كل مكان و فى كل حدث تدور بذهنى بعض الخواطر....و أشرع فى التفكير فى العديد من الاتجاهات.....لذلك ثارت لدى بعض الخواطر على المستويين العام و الشخصى.......!!!!ا

على المستوى العام
رأيت المدرسة لم تتغير بأى شكل من الأشكال.....نفس الوجوه....نفس الادارة الروتينية....نفس المالك المستبد......كل شئ كما هو لم يتطور......شعرت أن هذا هو الحال فى كل شئ فى مصر و هو الطامة الكبرى....فأينما ذهبت تجد معتنقى مذهب ليس فى الامكان أبدع يديرون المدارس و المؤسسات و الوزارات بل و الدولة بأسرها.......أعلم أنى أبالغ فى النقد و أننى أنصرف الى أبعاد أخرى فى زيارتى للمدرسة.....و لكننى رأيت فيها صورة مصغرة للدولة ......بما فيها من مالك مستبد برأيه...و ادارة جامدة الفكر...و عقول نمطية.........!!!!!ا

على المستوى الشخصى
التقيت بالعديد من المدرسين و الطالبات و دارت أحاديث عديدة ....و لكننى أذكر بعض التعليقات منها ما كان من أحد المدرسين الذى قال لى أنه يلمس تغييرا فى شخصيتى (الى الأفضل) ....فى حديثى و تأقلمى مع ما حولى ...و هو ما يبدو جليا لأى شخص تعامل معى قبل عامين....لذا لم يكن تعليقا مفاجئا .....و لعلى أكتب فى وقت لاحق بشأن هذا التغيير.......!!!ا
أما التعليق الأهم فكان من طالبة لا أعرفها....لكنها قالت لى أننى لا أمر على فصل الا و أذكر بالخير من قبل المدرسين.....و لعلنى لم أجد ردا سوى الحمد لله.....فقد جعلنى هذا التعليق أشعر بالفعل أن من خير ما يترك المرء فى نفوس الأخرين هو الذكرى الطيبة....و أن من خير ما يكتسب الاحترام و التقدير.......!!!!!ا

اللهم لا تؤاخذنى بما يقولون....و اغفر لى مل لا يعلمون....و اجعلنى خيرا مما يظنون

و للحديث بقية ما دام فى العمر بقية

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Le débat...!

on Wednesday the 2nd of way ,...the final debate between Nicolas Sarkozy & Ségolène Royal was held & millions of ppl watched it on air ....!!!
if any1 has a look on that debate he will know what makes difference between nations ....what makes a nation on the top of the world & another in the bottom bottom,...& he'll know specifically why we r in that awful position in the world & why we r going down every day.....!!!!

surely there is no perfect country or nation,... but there r nations that seek perfection , know the meaning of true civilization , & respect the human being @ least their native citizens......!!!

simply u can touch that in the debate,...perfectly organized , equal chance to both candidates to make their points clear , defend their policies & even attack each other .....!!!!

i really can't imagine that i'll c in my life a similar debate in egypt ,....coz the mentalities of politicians & even ordinary ppl r not used to quiet discussions & respectful debates.....& that's y we r still here & going backward each day.......!!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Plz Take Me Seriously.....!!

when i deal with ppl or work on sth i mainly seek RESPECT & TRUST ,...i can leave anyth if i miss one of them..... ANYTH..... & i actually did b4 .
it really bothers me to be underestimated just coz of my gender,size or age.....coz here i feel that it's a narrow vision from others & that their mentalities r defected i dnt put it in consideration that much if it happens!!!

but i really wondered 2day y some old ppl (& i dnt mean so old ) have the tendency to underestimate the younger's time & effort ,.....i was really driven mad by the Dr. coz he didn't take us seriously ,....he didn't appreciate that we spent time & effort to prepare sth ,...he didn't respect that we really worked & we were not messing up ,....he cancelled evth just like that....JUST LIKE THAT.... & surely without saying sorry or even showing appreciation.....!!!!

i never seek words of appreciation or any kind of reward,.....& it never has been an objective for me ,....i really REALLY didn't want anyth 2day except to be taken SERIOUSLY .....!!!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Wish Me Luck...!

what the worst that could happen?!

hope i'm not making a fool out of myself...!!

just wish me luck....good luck...!!

As A Balloon...!


i remembered those words when i saw that pic & the quote associated to it:

Dignity,...Self-confidence ,...Arrogance...!!!

3 feelings but can b mixed inside the person coz i believe that they r so close & need a wise person 2 know the diff not 2 reach the arrogance level....!!!

24 June 2006


it's really important for any person to b aware of the point where self confidence turns into arrogance as it's exactly similar to the point where the balloon's size turns into nth when it's over blown....!