Tuesday, October 31, 2006

THE LAST UNICORN (childhood memories 1)

One moonlit night the last unicorn on the earth starts wondering :”why am I all alone..?!”

She asked a travelling butterfly :”have u ever seen others like me”

“don not listen to me,..listen,..Listen! You will find the others if you are brave”,..wisppered the butterfly dancing in the air ....,“they have all passed down all the roads ong ago …& the red bull ran close behind them & covered their footprints..!!”

“the red bull!!...what is the red bull?!”,..asked the unicorn

"His firstling bull has majesty, and his horns are the horns of a wild
ox. With them, he shall push the unicorns, all of them, to the ends of the
earth",..said the butterfly leaving the Unicorn unsure if the tale of the Red Bull is true
She is torn between the familiarity of her home, where her presence keeps it forever spring and protects the animals, and her desire to know if there are others like her, perhaps in need of her help,..but @ the end she decides to undertake the quest,..& search for the other unicorns...!!

that was the begining of an old film i watched when i was a kid,...a loooong time ago of course,...& i almost forgot it ,..but i don't know what made me remember it again this year...!!!,..i was with just talking with 2 of my friends & we began 2 remember some old cartoons,...& suddenly i told them ,.."there was a film called ,...the last uni...mmm... horn ,..no no ,..the last unicorn ,..right?!!! ^o)"
& they remembered it...but none of us remembered the story ,....:(
i almost remembered nth,..mayb the scene of the red bull & the unicorn & some shadows from the cartoon..!!!

& since then i began 2 think about the film,....& wanted 2 remember it...!!!,..& whenever i talk with others who were interested in such cartoons ,..i ask"Do u remember the last unicorn?!!!"^o)

for sure i my father remembered it :D but not the entire film,...& also my cousin but he reminded me of more events!!!
& then i found some webpages about the stroy,..so i remembered more & more....:D

but i really wonder what made me remember it after all those years,... why i ask others whteher they remember it or not?!!! ....why i keep thinking about it...!!!

mayb coz we always like childhood memories :D,...mayb coz i see it in a diff. way after growing up ^o),... or coz it touched sth inside me!!!! 8-)

Monday, October 30, 2006

أبشروا أيها المصريون

قد يتعجب البعض من هذا العنوان و يراه نوعا من الهذيان ....!!!

فلم يبشر المصريون...؟!! وهم لا يرون فى بلادهم الا كل ما هو سيئ و خبيث...ولا يملأهم سوى الأسى على ما ال اليه حالهم...و الخوف من كل ما هو ات... و اليأس من الحياة بأسرها !!!

اذن ..ان يبشر المواطن المصرى يبدو أمرا خياليا أو قد يصل لدى البعض الى درجة المستحيل...!!!

ولكن دعنا نفكر تفكيرا ايجابيا للحظة ....علنا نلمح طيفا لتلك البشرى فى الأفق الملبد بالغيوم...!!!

لقد ابتلى المصريون على مر العصور بأنظمة تحكم البلاد كل على طريقته... ولكن القاسم المشترك فى معظمها أنها ظلمت المواطن المصرى..... والان بلغ الابتلاء أشده ...فهم يعيشون تحت وطأة نظام أخذ يسومهم سوء العذاب و يذيقهم ألوان الذل و الهوان لأعوام عديدة و أزمنة مديدة..ومازال .. و سيزال الى أن يشاء الله....!!!

هنا يأتى الجانب المشرق و يظهر موضع البشرى....!!!!!!...نعم!!!!!!....فكلنا نعلم أن الله اذا أحب عبدا ابتلاه... وقد ابتلى هذا الشعب كثيرا... و صبر طويلا...!!!

فالتبشروا أيها المصريون...ان الله يحبكم!!!!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

why a little ummah..?!

why am i a little ummah?!!

nobody could get it without asking till now...!!

a hint ;): it's just sth related 2 my name...!!

Edit: some did.. :D!!